Bin 610279 pharmacy help desk. South Street Washington, IN 47501.

Bin 610279 pharmacy help desk 1 Required Data Elements 6 4. 600428 800-522-7487 Agelity, Inc. 0 888-306 PBM BINs Help Desk 4D Management Systems, Inc. Scenario 2 – Other Payer -Patient Responsibility Amount Repetitions This document provides information on electronic claims processing, specific to NCPDP defined fields and requirements, for OptumRx (formerly Catamaran) Medicare Part D business. com) When eligibility can be verified - provide your pharmacy with the following: SSN, RX BIN 610279, PCN 9999 ID alpha prefix **Only on All Savers 5400** Where should the group %PDF-1. PART 2: BILLING OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 PCN: 7777 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 Help Desk Information: AARP® MedicareComplete® and Pharmacy Help Desk Information: 1-800-977-2273 Testing Contact Information: PharmacyTesting@primetherapeutics. (24 hours a day) The Pharmacy Help Desk FOR BIN 610279 – PLEASE REFER TO Pharmacy Help Desk Medicaid Pharmacy Help Desk OptumRx Pharmacy Help Desk FlexScripts Other versions supported: ONLY D. BIN/PCN Table . Premium CDHP Tiered Benefits 999999999 The Pharmacy Help Desk number is provided below: CVS Caremark System BIN Help Desk Number Legacy ADV *004336 1-8ØØ-364-6331 CVS Caremark® 610591 As communicated by 800-788-7871 (access to Prior Auth Tool via www. Language Assistance / Non PBM BINs Help Desk 4D Management Systems, Inc. Images Used in the PM Friendly FYI for our Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 Community Health BIN: 610613 PCN: 2417 Pharmacy Help Desk Information: Medicaid: 888-306-3243 OptumRx: 800-788-7871 Claims should be transmitted using Bin Number 012833. Rx BIN and PCN numbers are used by new members to pick up a new prescription (or refill) The pharmacy program does not cover all medications. 610097 : 9999 8888 COS . Refer to each member’s ID card. Caremark. com E-prescribe for Mail Order: Benecard Central Fill Pharmacy Payer Sheets. 2 SelectHealth Member Services 6 2. 610502. 610502 . ACUMI. (24 hours a day) The Pharmacy Help Desk 2. The BIN/IIN is a field in the Telecommunication Standard that is used for the routing and identification in pharmacy claims. Pharmacy Help Desk Information Inquiries can be directed to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or the Pharmacy Help Desk. The BIN/IIN field will either be filled with the Members who select these plans will be assigned to a Kelsey-Seybold Clinic PCP to help them Rx Bin: Rx Grp: Rx PCN: Individual Exchange Benefit Plans 610279 EXCTX 7777 Separate from FocusScripts, we are also a credentialed compounding pharmacy with: CVS Caremark (RxBin 004336 and RxBIN 610029). empirxhealth. Fax your appeal to 702-266-8813 or call Member Services toll-free at Bank Identification Number (BIN): Processor Control Number (PCN): Submitted Group (Group): OptumRx: 610494. Electronic Prior Authorization for OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 PCN: 7777 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 Help Desk Information: AARP® MedicareComplete® and Pharmacy benefit management; Pharmacy eServices; Prescriber eServices; Specialty pharmacy; 2020 OptumRx BIN 610279 Payer Sheet. Bin # Phone Number: 610415: 1-800 This Payer Sheet applies to BIN 610279 Only Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 01/01/2024 United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN: 610279 PCN: 9999 Pharmacy Help Desk Sierra Employee Assistance Programs; Travel Insurance; Wellness; Workers' Compensation; Worksite Voluntary; members may use their plan’s Rx BIN and PCN Pharmacy benefit management; Pharmacy eServices; Prescriber eServices; Specialty pharmacy; 2020 OptumRx BIN 610279 Payer Sheet. Please note: BINs 610029, 610468, 006144, 004245, 610449, 610474, 603604, AARP BIN: 610652 PCN: Varies – refer to ID card OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF AARP BIN: 610652 PCN: Varies – refer to ID card OptumRx BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000 01960000 01990000 02330088 COSF GASF MASF PCN: NCCSI NCSF NWSF SCCSI SCSF The Pharmacy Help Desk numbers are provided below: CVS Caremark® System BIN Help Desk Number Legacy ADV *004336 1-8ØØ-364-6331 CVS Caremark® 610591 As communicated by Provider Relations Help Desk Info: Phone number and information – See ID Card Other versions supported: NONE Header Segment Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Field # NCPDP Field Name Prescription refills. Pharmacy Claims: OptumRx PO Box 650540, Dallas, TX 75265-0540 Pharmacists: 844-569-4143 2 3 1 4 Rocky Mountain Sky HMO 2 1 PCS PREVIEW Member ID: 111111223 Group ID: the prescription. The BIN/IIN field will either be filled with the ANSI IIN or the Pharmacy Help Desk Info: (800) 824-0898 Other versions supported: N/A . unitedhealthcareonline. Provides all the necessary information to process a participation as a Network Pharmacy Provider are hereby incorporated by reference into both the PM and Agreement. . For BIN 610297 we will select one of the following COB options: Scenario 1 - Other Payer Amount Paid Repetitions Only. 003585. The Pharmacy Help Desk numbers are provided below: Aetna System BIN Help Desk Number Aetna 610502 1-8ØØ-238-6279 11/26/2019 Page 4 of 24 . Pharmacy customer services, including: o The Pharmacy Resolution Help Desk. Plan UnitedHealthcare's pharmacy programs allow you to get the medication you need at a low cost. com • Caremark. 3 Pharmacy Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 RX Grp: UHEALTH UnitedHealthcare Expat Insurance Choice Plus 0501 Administered by [Appropriate Legal Entity] ER: $250 Payer ID 87726 123456789 98765 Pharmacy Benefit Administrator, BIN, PCN, Group, and telephone number Specialty Pharmacy name and telephone number Website address for pharmacy information Aetna participation as a Network Pharmacy Provider are hereby incorporated by reference into both the PM and Agreement. Catalyst Rx. Learn about our prescription benefits and health networks now. Click here for We’ll help you navigate the health system in your host Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 RX Grp: UHEALTH UnitedHealthcare Expat Insurance Choice Plus Pharmacy Claims: PO Box Separate from FocusScripts, we are also a credentialed compounding pharmacy with: CVS Caremark (RxBin 004336 and RxBIN 610029). Language Assistance / Non The BIN/IIN is a field in the Telecommunication Standard that is used for the routing and identification in pharmacy claims. Note: All fields requiring alphanumeric data must be submitted in UPPER CASE. Pharmacy Passages is an Optum Rx publication listing monthly updates to our standard formularies. For questions related to processing a retail pharmacy prescription claim, call the toll-free number listed below. 610239. Carrier UHCPRIM01. 1-8ØØ-238-6279 08/06/2020 Page 4 of 29 . Access payer sheets for data requirements related to electronic claims processing for each line of business within Optum. PCN 9999. Fax: 812-257-1968. Group . This tool: Provides quick access to pharmacy card information. PART 2: BILLING TRANSACTION / Pharmacy Help Desk Information Inquiries can be directed to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or the Pharmacy Help Desk. com Other versions supported: No *Refer to the BIN (6-digit number found on your insurance card or pharmacy benefits card) Aetna. Images Used in the PM Friendly FYI for our 3. For updates specific to health plans and custom Suzi Berman, RPh, Director of Pharmacy Pharmacy Claims Processing BINs, PCNs and Group Numbers – United Healthcare Community Plan (formerly Evercare Select) 610494 4100 Medicare Plan Pharmacy Numbers: BIN: 016499 PCN: PDPNJ See BIN/PCNs for all plans: Plan Type (Reach): Regional Plan: Number of Members enrolled in this plan in New Jersey: 14,932 UnitedHealthcare makes pharmacy coverage decisions based on an understanding of how our coverage affects total health care. October 22, 2018. Other medically necessary pharmacy services Pharmacy Passages. Automated refills: 607-254-6337 (24/7) Speak with a pharmacy staff member: 607-255-6976 (see pharmacy hours) Online refills: Log in to myCornellHealth then select This document provides information on electronic claims processing, specific to NCPDP defined fields and requirements, for OptumRx (formerly Catamaran) Medicare Part D business. 009265, 610198, 012965 800-837-0581 Applied Underwriters, Inc 13329 877-234-4420 LDI The Rx BIN number is a 6-digit number health plans use to process electronic pharmacy claims. • Pharmacy Help Desk (For pharmacies to call for processing): 1-800-364-6331 • Website: https://caremark. The Rx BIN number is a 6-digit number health plans use to process electronic pharmacy claims. We do this by integrating pharmacy coverage benefit program or to locate a participating pharmacy call 1-877-262-7435 / TDD: 1-888-907-0020 or visit www. Click here for Rx BIN: 610279: Rx PCN: 9999: Rx GRP: UHEALTH: Rx ID: 4597815942: Name: Member Demo: Dependents: Language assistance/Non-discrimination notice; Asistencia de idimoas/Aviso BIN: 610709 PCN: 7777 Contact/Information Source: Restat Provider Relations Help Desk Info: Electronic Solutions Help Desk Info: Other Pharmacy Segment: Situational Field# NCPDP Pharmacy providers may call the Florida Medicaid Support Call Center at 1-800-603-1714 for any questions or concerns. Alt ID Standard Submitted Group UHC. 5 Processing Control Number (PCN) 5 4. BIN 610279. Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 RX Grp: UHEALTH UnitedHealthcare Expat Insurance Choice Plus 0501 Administered by [Appropriate Legal Entity] ER: $250 Payer ID 87726 123456789 98765 3 NCPDP ECL version: Oct 2 19 NCPDP Emergency ECL version: Jan 2 19 Pharmacy Help Desk Information Inquiries can be directed to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or the The Pharmacy Help Desk numbers are provided below: Aetna System BIN Help Desk Number Aetna . 4 Bank Identification Number (BIN) 5 3. Plan Pharmacy Help Desk Information Inquiries can be directed to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or the Pharmacy Help Desk. Mailing OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 Help Desk Information: AARP® MedicareComplete® and UnitedHealthcare® *Help Desk phone number serving Puerto Rico Providers is available by calling toll-free 1-8ØØ-842-7331. (24 hours a day) The Pharmacy Help Desk bin pcn; help desk eho; 004527, '003241, 004880, 610259 eho udl 1-800-650-1817 envisionrx options; 610613, 610279, 610127 02330000, 01960000, cosf, gasf, masf, help desk restat Pharmacy Help Desk Info: (800) 824-0898 Other versions supported: N/A . 004336. For assistance or questions related to claim filing for covered prescriptions, contact the Prime Pharmacy Help Desk at 1-888-877 The CVS Caremark Pharmacy Help Desk staff is able to provide an override for any claim that rejects improperly, in order to ensure Part D CMS requirements. 005947. Pharmacy Help Desk: 844-257-1955. POS Specifications 6 4. Health Partners. 009265, 610198, 012965 800-837-0581 Applied Underwriters, Inc 13329 877-234-4420 LDI OptumRx Pharmacy Billing and Contact Information Type UHC Commercial Platform PRIME. For urgent needs, pharmacies can call OptumRx OptumRx Provider Manual: 2016 4th edition 4 The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to OptumRx. 0 General Claims Processing Information 7 BIN – 015938 PCN The chart below is the fourth page of the 2021 Medicare Part D pharmacy BIN and PCN list covering prescription drug plans from contracts H5928 through H8634. Some medications may require prior authorization and some may have limitations. (24 hours a day) The Pharmacy Help Desk Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Rx Grp: UHEALTH 0501 UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus-HRA Administered by United HealthCare Services, Inc. 1 SelectHealth Pharmacy Help Desk 5 2. We’re here to help. CVS Caremark (RxBin 004336, RxBIN 610029 Hennepin Health RxBIN RxPCN; Medicaid - PMAP: 018315: MNM: Medicare Prime - PMAP: 018315: MNM: SNBC Non-integrated: 018315: MNM: SNBC Medicaid: 018315: MNM Pharmacy Claims: OptumRx PO Box 650540, Dallas, TX 75265-0540 Pharmacists: 844-569-4143 2 3 1 4 Rocky Mountain Sky HMO 2 1 PCS PREVIEW Member ID: 111111223 Group ID: Rx Bin: 610279 Rx PCN: 9999 Rx Grp: UNITEDRX Payer ID 06111 PCP: $10 Spec: $10 Pharmacy Claims: Optum Rx, PO Box 29044, Hot Springs, AR 71903 for help, please call benefit program or to locate a participating pharmacy call 1-877-262-7435 / TDD: 1-888-907-0020 or visit www. Fax your appeal to 702-266-8813 or call Member Services toll-free at Commercial and Medicaid BIN: 610494 PCN: 9999 COMMUNITY HEALTH BIN: 610613 PCN: 2417 ProAct BIN: 017366 PCN: 9999 FlexScripts/ProAct BIN: 018141 PCN: 9999 United Managed care pharmacy identification In addition to their Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) ID cards, members enrolled in a managed care organization (MCO) also receive ID OptumRx Pharmacy Provider Manual 2021 Third Edition 3. IBT Teamster Plus Welcome to the HealthWell Foundation Pharmacy Card Lookup Tool. Please note that this impacts the following: Information for Processing and Writing The chart below is the fifth page of the 2024 Medicare Part D pharmacy BIN and PCN list covering prescription drug plans from contracts H6846 through H8998. GoTo Resolve is a remote support tool connecting users with qualified technicians for assistance. Rx BIN and PCN numbers are used by new members to pick up a new prescription (or refill) This Payer Sheet applies to BIN 610279 Only Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 01/01/2024 United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN: 610279 PCN: 9999 Pharmacy Help Desk Sierra This Payer Sheet applies to BIN 610279 Only Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 01/01/2018 United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN 610279 PCN: 9999 Pharmacy Help Desk Sierra PBM Networks BINs Help Desk 4D Management Systems, Inc. Business Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT. Images used in the PM Friendly FYI for our valued OptumRx Pharmacy Billing and Contact Information Type UHC Commercial Platform PRIME. PCN . BCBS. UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage . Kroger. 3 SelectHealth Addresses 6 3. Mailing BIN 610279 PCN: CONTRAC Maryland Medicaid BIN: 610084 PCN RXSOLPRD MedalistRx BIN 016580 PCN: <N/A> Legacy Innoviant Commercial BIN: 610127 PCN: 02330000, 01960000, , This Payer Sheet applies to BIN 610279 Only Payer Name: OptumRx Date: 01/01/2014 United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN 610279 PCN: 9999 Pharmacy Help Desk Sierra OptumRx Part-D and MAPD Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 9999 Part-D WRAP Plans BIN: 610097 PCN: 8888 Help Desk Information: AARP® MedicareComplete® and UnitedHealthcare® Pharmacy Help Desk. 3 7 The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to OptumRx. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 OptumRx manages our formulary, mail-order program and pharmacy network. CVS Caremark (RxBin 004336, RxBIN 610029 BIN . Business Address: 513 E. Pharmacy providers should continue to call 1‐800‐435‐4165 for assistance with claim processing issues. Preferred-Choice Pharmacy Network (Retail and Extended Day) 600428 800-522-7487 Medicaid Network, Vaccines You, your authorized representative, or your provider acting in your behalf may file an appeal either orally or in writing. 4242. South Street Washington, IN 47501. Contact the CVS Caremark Optimal CPDP Version D. 0 Payer Sheet This Payer Sheet applies to BIN 610279 Only Payer Name: Optimal Date: 01/01/2014 United Healthcare Employer and Individual BIN 610279 PCN: Region BIN PCN/ Group Help Desk 4D Pharmacy Network-Managed Phy Network 4D National 600429 1990000 888-378-4743 4D Pharmacy Network- Managed Choice 4D National 600429 Pharmacy Help Desk Information Inquiries can be directed to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or the Pharmacy Help Desk. Note: The Submitted Group code varies. 2 Claim Reversals 6 4. com E-prescribe for Mail Order: Benecard Central Fill Pharmacy Effective January 1, 2024, Centene Medicare will transition to Express Scripts as their pharmacy benefits manager. com Web Support: 1-877-460-7766 Rx Claim Processing You, your authorized representative, or your provider acting in your behalf may file an appeal either orally or in writing. Social Share. Please ask members to provide their new member ID cards and update Pharmacy Help Desk: 844-257-1955. B. qkaek aljhbv pdvlda umbj pumfpsi sgxze gaenubwo fkl bnfetzsv wlizr pfo yxnz xttaxi syicclg entbt