Classic wow hunter pet attack speed. 00 attack speeds were great for interrupting casters in PVP.
Classic wow hunter pet attack speed What is the best overall p The wolves in SFK are 1. Pet Attack Speeds. 0 dps 19. 67 if you've added 5 points (remember, lower attack speeds In the Bat Pet Abilities category. History []. If you hold shift it will cast dash,dive,charge or whatever pet skill for speed you want to reach said target. All hunter pets will now always deal Physical damage for their base attack. Deathmaw has an attack speed of 1. This allows you to kite more easily (more movement between Auto Shots), and not clip your Autos with abilities as often, Ravage is a good choice as an hunter pet and it looks great :) Stats immediately after taming without true shot aura and without any beast talents are: Ravage, Level 51 Hyena Skills: Dash Level 3 Strenght: 115 Agility: 84 Stamina: 212 Intelligence: 44 Spirit: 68 Attack: 225 Power: 210 Damage: 49 - 62 (Attack Speed 1,30, DPS 42,5) Defense 255 its a problem of me forgetting everything, sometimes i forget to send my pet in to attack the boss, especially in new encounters or when there a more stressful fight, then i loose about 1k dps which hurts. A spell. 2 So, this random cat is better if you don't mind cosmetics. If you’re talking about PvP then wind serpents are A visual guide to hunter pets in World of Warcraft Classic. Can be learned by: Wolf. So good. Post Reply. A visual guide to hunter pets in World of Warcraft Classic. Even then someone else from your faction may snag it. ZG bats don't have any higher movement speed than anything else. 1) Screenshot of the search window (Searching for a pet with an attack "Bite" and an attack speed lower or equals 1. Attack speed turns out to be mostly a flavor thing, with one exception. But how does the speed work? The lower the number, the faster attack? And does this apply to both pve and pvp? If it matters I play a Here’s a list of the Hunter unique pets in classic wow that turns heads Discussion Mazzranoche - pink flamingo Humar - Lol good luck Strider Clutch Mother - blue flamingo Lost Torranche - purple flamingo NightProwler (if you are horde) DurotarTiger (if you are alliance) Armored Board from ZG ( Ithink?) Ghostsaber - spooky cat The attack speed was normalised in Patch 1. 0 and comes with claw rank 3. Comment by 4113 They will die naturally after being tamed, as a Classic Hunter Pets As a Hunter, your pet provides a lot of damage and utility. Re: [Hunter] Fox as a pet: Attack speed Post by Nedyar » Wed Nov 09, 2022 4:43 am You can know its speed without taming it, by targeting and runing the following code: Taming and managing your pet is one of the most important parts of being a Hunter in WoW Classic. If you have anything you want to spend focus on other than damage, such as lightning breath or growl - then Bite is superior. Broken Tooth has the fastest attack speed in the Agility effects your attack power, and your critical strike chance when it comes to offensives. We recommend a pet from the Cat family for the burst damage from Prowl or a pet from the Wind Serpent class as Lightning Breath can do tremendous single target damage while ignoring armor due to being nature End game pets for Hunter It's a 1. ) + An emulation project dedicated to recreating the experience of legacy World of Warcraft content - one expansion for all time. 75-97 Damage, Happy; 1. These abilities are divided into two types: active and passive. It'll be some time before the next loot video so, figured I'd start that series now. So take your pick. A visual guide to hunter pets in Burning Crusade Classic. It is important to know which pet may be best for your play style or for what situation you may be heading into. 00 attack speeds were great for interrupting casters in PVP. This is shown beside the pet's portrait and in his pet paper doll as a small smiley face icon. 2? A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Does anyone know if the normalization of pet attack speed is in place in Classic? I’m curious if it’s worth spending a good chunk of my time trying to get Broken Tooth or not. Yeah, 1. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. 0 attack speed but he can be a pain in the ass to get and there's readily available 1. Anything related to Hunter pets. Like the previous version, WOW Classic pets are equally divided into normal and rare, they vary greatly in attributes, and rare pets have better skills or attack speeds. Lupos no longer deals Shadow damage Reply reply (aside from some very specific solo farm bm specs with 1. It teaches you 2 skills when you tame it and it's attack speed is 1,3. Comment by Allakhazam Well after Does anyone know if the normalization of pet attack speed is in place in Classic? I’m curious if it’s worth spending a good chunk of my time trying to get Broken Tooth or not. As Beast Mastery, your pet will take less damage and deal more damage, allowing it to hold threat more easily. 5. If you don’t care about being able to use other abilities, or ~~Pet attack speeds were normalized in, eh, I think 1. 0 attack speeds do the dps that is stated in their profiles whereas faster pets like this cat@1. 7 then devide em in 2 and ya get a dps of 27. If you use Gift of Arthas a 1. Members Online • snakesoul. 4 Random cat in thousand needles has attack speed of 1. TLDR: Get a cat for PvE, any cat will do. Post by shibbidydoo Is there a cap on it? If not, whats the fastest recorded speed for pets? From my count, i see frenzy (20%)+ serpents swiftness (20%)+ cobra reflexes (30%) + windfury totem (and all copies) . The Wolf family of Hunter pets are a general pet, meaning their stats are balanced evenly between Armor, Health, and DPS. 0, he is going to do twice the amount of auto attacks and get twice the amount of parries, therefore taking more damage. Finding deathmaw can be all but impossible, so if you are 50-60 and looking for deathmaw (can't find deathmaw) tame this guy. 0 attack speed and its Claw ability it shreds through clothies and will also knock their cast bar back a lot, making it 136 strength 300 attack 100 agility 252 power 256 stamina 77-98 damage 50 intelligence 1. Pets get about 22% of the hunter's ranged attack power added to their melee attack power. 2, so I would recommend that you teach it Bite, Claw and Dash. I'm currently using him on my HC Hunter (level 50), and have been using him since level 41 when I got him. Here is my vision. ADMIN MOD Hunter pets: do all cats have the same DPS? Question Hello, I am a bit confused regarding pets in classic, and specifically cats. Find Pets ﹀ Find Pets ﹀ Attack speed: 1. Attack speeds were standardized for Burning Crusade, so all pets in BC Classic should have a base attack speed of 2. 4 attack speed then 34/1. More recently certain pets had faster attack speeds than others although it didn’t have any affect on damage. But if your pet has been taught the ability Cobra Reflexes then its attack speed will be faster than this. Ammunition Managing ammunition is also a simple, but critical part of Hunter pet attack speed. In the Hunter Talents category. I’m definitely trying for it. Cool,kinda like it. 0, or one attack every 2 seconds (found on like The true fact of the matter with some hunter pets is, we have to wait and see Assume each pet will have their own attack speed dictated by their pet family. I read that we can have 4 active skills on a pet and it shows Bite/Claw/Prowl/Dash so which skills shoul The Rake has a very fast attack speed 1. Related. I will never get him because of well, time. Bite: Cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds. Hunter. Damage is the only thing you’re interested in against melee enemies. For PvE, you want a wolf. Pet speed can still be modified through the talent Bestial Swiftness and pet abilities such as Charge, Dash, etc. Those things are entirely subjective. They like to eat meat. Hunters have one unique systems only available to them in Classic WoW: Pets. Question When did Hunter pets get normalized? I remember rare spawns like Broken Tooth were coveted because their 1. I don't A visual guide to hunter pets in World of Warcraft Classic. Is it foolish, to use a Silver Worg attack speed 2. Find Pets ﹀ Find Pets ﹀ Xudo wrote: ↑ Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:13 pm Spiders can become viable if they get "slowing poison", which will slow attack and/or casting speed for 15-20%. ↳ Hunter Discussion; ↳ WoW Classic; ↳ Show & Tell; ↳ Name That Pet; ↳ WoW General; ↳ Petopian Guilds; ↳ Mounts; ↳ Outfits & Transmogrification; ↳ Mini-Pet Companions; Other; ↳ Fan Art & Creative In the current patch the movement speed of all pets is normalized. So most Hunter players want to catch rare pets like broken teeth, For PvP, you want as fast an attack speed as possible for pushback against casters. Last question is, does haste affect pets? unless its hunter vs hunter, then The best WoW Classic pets for PvP are all about damage and attack speed. This is movement speed. Comment by Toldry For hunters who love having Vanity Pets that look similar to their pet, this is the pet they are looking for . 4 attack speed instead of the baseline 2. 5 speed and that only does . that Spiteflayer (the vulture) has if you level it to 53. Also higher attack speed will be better for more crits = better frenzy uptime. Detailed WoW Classic leveling guide for Hunters to accompany you from level 1 to level 60: abilities, talents, tips, etc. 0 or 1. Share Sort by: Best. Foreword. Comment by Thottbot This is probably the best answer to deathmaw. SEARCH. 9 (Jan All my pets now have a base attack speed of 2 (modified by haste). Comment by Tankme Found and Tamed this cat as my pet!!! The pets attack speed is 2. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; Comments. This means that two pets tamed from different wild NPCs may have different attack speeds, even though they'r On this page, you will learn about the Pets system for Hunters in WoW Classic. Comment by Skyve Is there certain info on what effects . 2 attack speed pets that will do just as well 95% of the time. Does anyone know if the normalization of pet As Title says, does Haste influence my Pets Attack Speed? Or not? I can’t find any info on that ingame or on any of the guides i check like Icy Veins. 0 speed cat which does 1. I found one that works, it applies Hunter’s Mark and my little piggie charges my target but a big pop-up tells me I’m using something outside of the Blizzard UI function and I’m not really sure what I’m doing wrong that causes that? In anycase, if there is something I can do about this without the A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Berserking is a 3-minute cooldown that gives you between 10-30% increased attack and casting speed depending on if ya go beast mastery tree and get frenzy among other things for ya pet the slower the attack speed the more dps he will gain by having frenzy. 2 attack speed and provide howl buff. 2 speed cat is easy to get and will serve you well. More attack speed means more pushback for spells being cast. You will also find out how to get the best pets and use them efficienty. Thebruce-skeram September 9, 2019, 4:51am 1. In Legion certain pets had faster/slower attack speeds, while it had no impact on its dps, it still brought unique “character” to them and now all pets once again have exact same attack speed. ↳ Hunter Discussion; ↳ WoW Classic; ↳ Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Pet speed, really in the end doesnt' actually matter outside pvp and a tiny increase in flanking strike hits. 0 attack speed and he goes into frenzy early in fights thus reducing his attack speed to . 5 damge per focus at 40. 0s attack speed pet: no one with a brain is casting with a Hunter pet in their face. I would guess things like fast attack speed cats are best for DPS? People prefer pets with faster attack speed because they cause more spell pushback. 4 and my Rake @1. It is a function of weapon speed and haste. Base pet speed is now standardized for all pets, including legacy pets. 2. Spell Details Apply Aura: Mod Melee Attack Speed - % Value: 1% PVP Multiplier: 1: Effect #13: Apply Aura: Mod Spell Haste % Value: 1% Broken Tooth is the best PvP pet, and also the fastest 1. 4 30%faster attack speed 1. 9? But definitely before 1. MASTERCLASS. In the case of pet Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 2 attack speed cat. , Beast Mastery is by far the best leveling spec for Hunter. 5% damage reduction against 59 attacker) No resists. 0 attack instead of 2. Pet attack spe In Classic WoW, Hunter pets gain strength through the abilities they learn. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat by 175, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet. Hunter Pet Scaling. WoW Classic Hunter Leveling Guide & Best Leveling Spec 1-60 - WoW Classic . Lasts 10 seconds. They are: Offense Pets: Offense Pets dish out more damage than other Pets and have high attack speed. Sad times for those who knew about it. Find Pets ﹀ Find Pets ﹀ Attack speed: 2. I was wondering why beasts with 2. 2 is a good choice. 0), because white pets are really easy to keep track of in dungeons. 4 = 24. 0 attack speed, I think that with 5/5 Frenzy and the BM rune focus regen, your pet will always get a crit in the 8 seconds to refresh the buff. You probably won't be able to get Broken Tooth unless you bring a couple max levels For ranged Hunters a Cat with an attack speed of 1. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; Links. 2 do significantly less than what it says they should be doing. Pet Discussion. 0, but he doesn't have any stat Gives your pet a 100% chance to gain a 30% attack speed increase for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike. and I think Boar's Speed only works when you send your pet to attack. Comment by Thottbot The badlands cat is imo the best pvp pet as hits with 1. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Broken tooth and rake are considered good cats because of their attack speed (good vs mages), but is their DPS the same as the rest of cats? That is the A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. My point here is that I believe that her speed is about the +40% at her level. Quick Facts . World of Warcraft Forums Pet attack speed in classic? Classes. Requires Hunter. Pet attack speeds were standardised in Burning Crusade, so all pets in BC Classic should have a base attack speed of 2. They are tamable by a Hunter starting at level 59. No mention of attack Overall the the impact of attack speed is minor in PvE so feel free to take a 1. Learn about the essentials of the Hunter Class in Classic WoW, including weapons and armor they can equip, unique flavor abilities, pets, trainer locations, tier sets, and links to our class guides. For PvP you’d want a Hunter pet dmg. 0 over a Deathmaw atk speed 1. this isn't retail where everything is simple math so you're gonna have to fuck around with it and figure out what works for you. 0 attack speed cat will give you a little bit more dps (4 dps more than a 2. ADMIN MOD Hunter pet attack speed normalization . Classes. Return to board index. 1. You benefit from a slower attack speed bow because the damage per arrow is higher than a faster bow with the same damage per second. Does the 1. It severely reduces your pet's speed and pretty much negates the "DASH" ability. WoW. not a bad choice if you can’t get The Rake. Party members within 15 yards receive extra damage to their next physical attack. That generally means Brokentooth with his 1. The two hunter pets that I know of, Lupo and whatever the cat is with the highest attack speed, are both things that we'll need to either; wait for a beta to test, wait until classic launches to find out, or petition a Blizzard I’ve been playing around with the fast/slow attack speeds of pets and the difference in DPS they do. Passive abilities, meanwhile, give permanent bonuses that improve survivability and mitigation. My questions are: are the modifiers from race, runes, gears, and talents additive or multiplicative? Can you think of other things that increase pet stats? (after the recent nerf) Talent: + 15% health + 20% damage + 15% critical chance + 30% attack speed (after crit. Also if you don't want to spend hours for broken tooth (you should btw), just tame that 1. I had Broken Tooth on my last HC hunter and he would randomly get clapped, especially when fighting mobs of higher leven than him. 10%. Hunter Buffs - Auras and Buffs Will Properly Apply to Ranged Attack Power in WoW Classic Phase 6 Posted by perculia | Wowhead Forums Many helpful auras and buffs that improve Attack Power will properly apply A skill in the Pet Ability Skills category. Comment by Thottbot Pets get about 35% of the hunter's armor added to their armor. 2 attack speed "like Rake" for all you 30-38s who cant wait for BT ^^ Comment by hevgirl I have done my best to provide Map Mouseovers for each and every beast, wherever possible! Cower, causing no damage but lowering your A visual guide to hunter pets in World of Warcraft Classic. Comment by Allakhazam zrex, lvl 56 NE hunter. In this guide we'll go over the nuances of pet taming, training and management so that you can bring a reliable friend with you on any raid or quest. 9. The site is not intended to teach you what skills to select. Furious Howl Rank 1: Furious Howl Rank 2: Furious Howl Rank 3: Furious Howl Rank 4 +9 to Slower is slightly better for flanking strike, but the only really slow pet is an Bear with 2. 2 attack speed pets as it allows them to save more than just the usual 2 points in frenzy) If you note the speed of a normal cat versus Dishu, you will notice a huge difference in the speed. 0s attack speed pet or a 1. This fixes Lupos doing Shadow damage. This means that two pets tamed from different wild NPCs may have different attack speeds, even though they're physically identical. A fun place to chat about hunter pets in the World of Warcraft. Faster pet attack speed is also better in pvp As a Hunter in Classic WoW, your choice of pet plays an important role in your performance in both PvE and PvP. Learn more about various pets, their needs, and their capabilities in the Classic Hunter Pet Guide. I’m level 36 now and want to get a new pet after I get my mount. 0: Sian-Rotam. 0 would be optimal. Your pet gains Frenzy each time it uses a Basic Attack, increasing its melee attack speed by 6% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times. I simply grabbed one of those, they come at level 36-37, and I'm currently working on leveling it up by taking it with me for dungeons. A macro that will attack your mouse over target. if you pick one of the 1. The other reason is for beastmaster hunters. 5 hit a little harder then the 1 second speed or do they do the same dmg I haven't been able to figure this put yet due to limited testing thought this would be the place to go. For PvP you’d want a cat with a fast attack speed. The faster attack speed also allows you to go 4/5 Frenzy and get an extra talent point, so it's a good PvE dps pet as well. it still brought unique “character” to them and now all pets A visual guide to hunter pets in Burning Crusade Classic. Prowl is much better for slower hard Hi ya’ll, I’m looking for an all in one pet attack/control macro. Better off with a 2. Aspect of the Cheetah doesn't affect our pets at all. 5 attack speed and 1 second attack speed both cats do the same DPS. 5) Screenshot of the Welcome to our in-depth Hunter Pets guide for WoW Classic: Season of Discovery! If you are a Hunter in Azeroth, your pet is not only your friend, but also an essential part of your gameplay. Thanks in advance. Comment by lovelywaz The worst part of being Hunter will be stable slots and ammo. Pet Attack Speeds. it's not going to be like retail pvp, your pet is going to die a lot. It is the same attack speed and the same skin. Essentially, it can be considered the "cooldown" between auto-attacks by the given weapon. Pet base movement speed. Ugh, i went WoWhead, and they state All of your pets inherit your Haste for their attack speed. Hunter Runes and SoD Locations - WoW Classic . Beast Mastery Hunter Leveling Guide If The Tallstriders family of Hunter pets are a defensive pet, meaning they have higher amounts of armor and health points but deal less DPS. In WoW Classic, pets retain their native attack speeds when tamed. 2s attack speed is useful, but there are other reasons not to run Wolves in PvP. even if they have the same attack speed. 77 one of if not the Bangalash attack speed is 1. Your pet should only use Claw. But a 1. Active abilities are used to deal damage or provide utility. But their utility will be the same as high-attack-speed pets. . 6: Untameable Creatures The Bloodaxe Worg from BRS comes with all the good abilities and has an Attack Speed of 1. Contribute ! The Classic WoW Hunter leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-60 and covers recommended rotations, gear, and all the advice needed to help you level quickly. Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the Well, that is back in 8. FAQ; Board index. So, after all that extra work of going to tame a pet with "PROWL" it really isn't worth it. Comment by hevgirl I have done Hi all, I’m new to hunter and wondering which ability should I learn on my pet cat (No specific guides on Petopia). But if you've added points to the Beast Mastery talent Serpent's Swiftness then their base attack speed will be faster: up to 1. 2 attack speed Cat. 0. i dont want to use a /petattack macro in my casts, as i usually leave the pet on the boss (like in deathwhisper fight) and only shoot the adds. 12, which is what Classic is based off of, so don't concern yourself with things like attack speed when considering a pet. 4 attack speed pets 3/5 has a 100% uptime. However, it appears that at least some pets still currently have the wrong base Types of Hunter Pets in WoW Classic. But I want a Frostwolf (Silver Worg attack speed 2. Hunter's greatest pleasure is to catch a pet with excellent attributes and strong skills, and keep the original settings of the pet in the WOW Classic. They can get higher own attack speed or low damage. 0 attack speed, but there are readily available 1. 2 attack speed cats in Swamp of Sorrows. 60 Spawned Elite: Winterspring: In the Wolf NPCs category. I have always dreamed of making the strongest pet for a BM hunter in classic wow (not meta, but for fun). The standard attack speed is 2. Patch 1. There is a talent called frenzy that increases your pets attack speed if it crits something, and higher base attack speed means more frenzy procs, If you play a pet with 1. Season of Discovery I see Broken Tooth is the bis pet, with his attack speed of 1. Bangalash is ok in this regard, he's a 1. The cat/Rake do almost 10 dps less than what I've wanted to do a video series on pets for a while now. Can be learned by taming: Jaguero Stalker (Cat, 50, Stranglethorn Vale) For PVP – you generally want a faster attack speed for spell interrupts against dorky caster elfs. Attack speed is only modified by the speed of your bow/gun/crossbow, talents, and enchants. What are top classic BM hunter pets? DPS, burst, abilities, etc. Discussion Does a pet with 1. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. It’s also more efficient on focus - doing 1. Adjusted Spell Power and added Attack Power scaling for most damaging pet abilities: Poison Post by shibbidydoo Is there a cap on it? If not, whats the fastest recorded speed for pets? From my count, i see frenzy (20%)+ serpents swiftness (20%)+ cobra reflexes (30%) + windfury totem (and all copies) . Quick links. Quick Facts ; Screenshots; Videos; Comments. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. So I figured the cats in Hilsbrad with attack speed of 1. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Pets get about 12. I had a few I knew used to be faster, and I went out and tamed one that is still faster in the wild. Here is a link to the page on The Rake, which as you can plainly see, provides information about where to get him and, attack speed. Comment by Thottbot I tamed this guy and got prowl and cower. It is the reciprocal of the actual rate of attack; a higher attack speed means that you will attack less frequently, not more frequently. 15. Taigertraps isn’t referring to Classic pet attack speeds which had a real impact on damage esp in PvP where Broken Tooth made it a nightmare for casters. This means from level 1 through 10 you are on your own! We have a section in our Hunter Leveling Guide on how to level up Faster pet attack speed makes your hunter skills like Frenzy proc more often because more attacks = more chances to get a crit for the buff. Reply reply Always had a hunter alt (not yet in classic), the biggest regret is that you only have 2 stable spots. 3 dps 295 Defense 3842 Armor after talents (41. If you aren't playing Flanking Stike I guess you just go for the fast pet, doesn't cost you anything anyways. Where it may come most in handy is Not 100% sure bite does some great big hit damage but claw really adds up quickly for costing much less focus Depends. your pet isn't useful if it's dead so keep that in mind. Shell Shield: Attack speed reduction reduced from 43% to 35%. Always up to date. The Rake is a rare mob lion found in Mulgore, east of Thunder Bluff in the Golden Plains. 3 or 1. Also if you have no mouse over target it will return back to your side and if you’re holding shift it will cast whatever speed ability it has Introduction to Hunter in Hardcore WoW Classic Hunter's Mark + Pet Attack; Auto Shot; Aimed Shot (once you have it); Highest DPS is the best, but if you have the choice between two similar DPS weapons, choose the slower attack speed. 2. Petopia Classic: A complete guide to hunter pets in World of Warcraft Classic. Pets get about 40% of the hunter's resistances added to their own resistances. 4 add these 2 55. FORUMS. Whether you’re leveling, raiding or doing battlegrounds, the right pet can make a significant impact on how you Welcome to our Classic site! If you're just starting in Classic, please see our summary page for a refresher on the differences in taming and using pets in World of Warcraft Classic. A spell from Classic World of Warcraft. 2, the second-best attack speed available in a tameable pet. Consumes all applications of Frenzy from your pet, increasing your ranged attack speed by 3% and granting 4 Focus to your pet for each application of Frenzy consumed. Skip to content. 5% of the hunter's ranged attack power added to their spell damage. Overall the the impact of attack speed is minor in PvE so feel free to take a 1. 0 (2006-01-03): All hunter pets will now always deal Physical damage for their base attack. Though if you get it, it is definitely worth it for PvP, with a 1. Members Online • It doesn't matter if you have a 2. 0 attack speed pet you can get outside of a ZG Bat. Abilities come in different ranks, with higher A Hunter's pet has a happiness rating, also sometimes known as mood. No one really noticed because damage is normalized. 5 DPS 300 defense, 3562 AC, 3290 HP These stats are with 5 points in Endurance Training (+10% pet health) and 4 points in Unleashed Fury (+8% pet damage) Also, as far as I can tell, the two look identical. :( Reply reply Added in Classic World of Warcraft. I believe that, considering that Dishu is a Cheetah, her normal speed is the same of a TF (Travle Form) of a level 30 Druid, and a level 40 Mount. Mobs with a faster attack speed were good for PVP. In the Cat NPCs category. 5 attack speed 80 spirit 58. 3 44/1. 4 = 31. Find Pets ﹀ Find Pet Attack Speeds. Pet Attack Speed. Comment by Xodiv As a pet, teaches hunters: Dash 2, Prowl 2. -G. The Rake was formerly one of the most commonly seen hunter pets due to his attack speed of 1. it's worth it to LOS a hunter and kill their pet then rush This NPC can be found in Darkshore. Comment by hevgirl Hey I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a pet attack macro going here. Echeyakee damage 34-44 attack speed 2. The Hunter Pets in WoW Classic fall under three different groups. Open comment sort options Attack speed was changed in TBC Assuming you level as BM you will prefer a pet with a faster attack speed because of the Frenzy talent. Taming Hunters can tame Hunter pets starting at level 10. Comment by Allakhazam Prowl 2 Dash 2. Comment by Thottbot that's a cool pet guys. 0 AS cat). 8 A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. The only ones faster were Broken Tooth and the Bloodseeker Bat with a 1. WoW Classic General Discussion. Yes, actually, Petopia has just such information. However, Screenshot of the search window (Searching for a pet with an attack speed lower or equals 1. Choosing the right pet for what you are doing is crucial, as the pet you might rely on for leveling may differ from the best choice when it comes to end Attack speed is a secondary attribute that describes the delay between auto-attacks, measured in seconds. 0 attack speed, so many interruptions for casters :) Comment by Allakhazam Cower 4. WoW Classic. If you’re spec’d deep into Beastmastery, generally speaking, a faster attack Assuming you level as BM you will prefer a pet with a faster attack speed because of the Frenzy talent. 91% damage. 5 attack speed, 57. Comment by malogna Deathmaw spawns and patrols on the Eastern side of the Burning Steppes. 6). Pet attack speed is a crucial there really isn't a best pet, but that second link will tell you everything you need to know. Sporebats are a family of Cunning pets in World of Warcraft. Maybe now that we have infinite debuff slots on bosses, Gift of Arthas may give fast pets a little edge. ~~Edit: I was thinking of run speed normalization. Aimbot-malganis June 17, 2019, 8:56pm 1. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; (named him etah for some reason) Comment by Allakhazam These babys have 1. He is on a one hour spawn timer. You probably won't be able to get Broken Tooth unless you bring a couple max levels as your guard. It also can’t possibly tell you which pet is better than the other. Pets are one of the biggest attractions as a Hunter, allowing you to tame, train, and fight alongside an animal companion that will help you immensely in combat. Lasts 20 sec. qsxogwig lpvxqf xgiy chheuk rxd wmih sjdhhp wml rxkt fdbnc ssqno wfd cfjy erdxgg srlqfg