Current probe in cadence. This is what we call "out of context probing".
Current probe in cadence I can't change the trace or probe color in PSpice 16. holddreams Full Member level 6. If the output is current (or flow), choose a `vsource' or `iprobe' as the output probe. The terminal current, if your current probe is named "iprobe_in" the positive terminal current will have a signal name "/iprobe_in/PLUS". Save the current through port portA in the hierarchy i1. To quote Cadence docs page: It is a single pin device connected to an internal hierarchy net that lets you probe down through the design hierarchy. This tutorial assumes that you have started up Cadence and the CIW and Library Manager window are open. Saving multiple signals in an instance The Team RF "μWaveRiders" blog series is a showcase for Cadence AWR RF products. e. 0, CMOS IC Design Environment Version: Cadence 5. probe -create top. Put simply, the mode choice on the stb analysis form allows you to measure both the loop gain of a differential signal from the output of the probe back to the input, or the loop gain of a common-mode signal from the output of the probe back OK, so it's not an "idial" (you meant "ideal" I assume) current source that you placed - it's an iprobe which is a current probe (there's an important difference here - an ideal current source would make the loop open loop whereas an iprobe is like a 0 V source). cadence virtuoso Do you guys know which manual in Cadence I have to refer to? Thanks. You will be saving the unconnected net as a It says"Current through the probe is computed and is defined to be positive if it flows from the input node, through the probe, to the output node. net3. v: testbench code to test logic circuit and generate waveforms a. Upvote 0 Downvote. Type example1 in the Name field, select the Analog or Mixed A/D project type, set the location to H:\My Documents\PSpice, and click Ok. Following on from Shawn's reply, you should not use cmdmprobe. You can measure the output noise at a node, or probing a port (in which case it gives the noise voltage across the port, but can then exclude the noise in the load when computing For input noise i chose the option "current" since the inputs are of the current form and chose one of the inputs (i2). When using update components and nets, it is not working for me. If you are simulating circuits like switched-capacitor filters or sampling circuits, you may select full-spectrum pnoise. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas But since I'm using an inherited supply pin and thus not having an physical pin to probe the current, how do I probe the current at this hierarchy ? Can I somehow use 'deepprobe' to do this ? Cancel; ShawnLogan over 1 year ago. You can also choose to monitor the output voltage noise by picking Voltage from the drop down menu and selecting the wires in your schematic that represent the positive and negative voltage output. So i chose probe and selected the resistor. So you should just be able to The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. M1; You can also define individual subcircuit terminal currents, or element/subcircuit power, as shown below. However, I can not find a way to save the current through the same inherited connections in the same cell when I switch to the AMS simulator. If you have a saved simulation already, you can use Open Existing View to When starting Cadence, the sequence will now be. tcl file. To connect a voltage or current source to the internal node, place a deepprobe element on the schematic and connect the output node with the desired voltage or current I am using Cadence release IC5141 icfb. It I have a pin and pin text on a net, I use to get the net property of the route to update, and will high- light the. Right click on the trace & select trace properties. Why is a Load Needed? There is sometimes a perception that a load should not be included when taking a power supply ripple measurement using an oscilloscope. To place markers on a schematic page 1. XI1. In ADEXL, I right click in the outputs table somewhere, click Save All, and configure: Save device currents -> selected, subcktprobelvl->3, useprobes -> yes. f. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the Whether you’re evaluating specialty probes for accurate measurements, or you need to simulate effects of probe parasitics in measurement systems, use the comprehensive set of simulation tools in PSpice from Cadence. If I run a DC simulation I get the correct behaviour (currents saved up to a Connect a voltage/current source to the internal node. portA. Figure 19. You need to measure the current through something, such as the terminal of a device. measure command to measure and directly give out the current value at specific vgs and vds. Cadence Spectre AMS Designer is a high-performance mixed-signal simulation system. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news Add a current probe in series with your ideal voltage source and a second in series with the ideal drain capacitor and save the current in each probe. 2 In Analog Design Environment window, click on Output and select Save All 3 In the save option box , a. ex3. 1. f –> Fit to screen. You could try to find an example on the Cadence support forum. There's only one color (grey) available besides to the. To simulate the current design, in the Virtuoso window, click on Launch->ADE Explorer. This i was not able to do with deepprobe. It is obsolete. Place a current probe on the left-hand How can I do for plotting current in Cadence with simulator Spectre. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. current probe is not working. For simulation I use Cadence Spectre and this simulator supports VerilogA modeling. In an electrical network, tracking First of all if X-axis has to be time, then perform transient analysis (not ac analysis). icfb& NOTE: When designing a chip that will need to be measured with probes, NOTE: keep an eye on the current function in the status bar on the bottom of your screen. Commented Oct 13, 2016 at 10:14. This allows you to perform cross-probing between the front-end design entry tool and PSpice at the lower level circuits of a hierarchical design. Joined Aug 2, 2005 Messages 351 Helped 15 when a drain current flows through a NMOS, the source current you probe is negative you can simulate it just . tcl file at startup. No need to multiply by two. 1. . If currents are to be used in calculations as well, a current probe. Is the measurement an rms measurement? Community Guidelines The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and Is there any method to probe the current flowing through the Cgs and Cgd of a MOSFET? The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. Thread starter Chinmaye; Start date May 15, 2022; Status Not open for further replies. I want to plot beta (current gain) with collector current in Probe window. Broadly, the oscilloscope will function similarly to a multimeter by probing two or more points of a circuit for voltage readings. 2) For output noise i only had the option to choose between "probe" and "voltage". Similar This video shows the basic series RLC resonator circuit simulation in one of the most used IC design tools in the industry and academia: Cadence virtuoso. w –> add a wire m –> move tool. Joined May 10, 2004 If you are trying to measure the current through your entire varactor network, the current probe can be placed in series with the gate of the drain-source connected MOS device. You can make a connection from the top-level testbench to an internal net within a sub-block down in the hierarchy by connecting a named wire to deepprobe?s terminal. set subcircuit probe level Is there a reason you did not include a current probe in series with your ideal voltage source and specify its input node as the pss output? When you specified the voltage source, the pss output is specified as a voltage and not a current. This is what we call "out of context probing". INST_A is an analog instance. I have no idea Element current waveforms save R1:1 – saves current flowing into terminal 1 of resistor instance R1 save I1. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get I wrote a hspice code to simulate and plot the nmos' I-V curve. You can also probe the wires near the device terminals too (you'll see a big "X" drawn on the probe point) which allows you to probe the net near that device pin (for parasitic R or RC extracted nets). I have defined that probe in the Ocean file and then it has been automatically added to the probe. \$\endgroup\$ – Bimpelrekkie. Stats. 0 Related Documents Community Mixed-Signal Design Measure a branch current in Verilog AMS (Probe Command) Stats. Re-simulate your circuit and examine the current through each probe. Mar 6, 2007 #2 H. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems Charge injection simulation in cadence. A current sense resistor provides current-to-voltage conversion action, most notably in current-mode controlled power regulators. Products The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. Use Cadence help "A valid probe is a component instance in the circuit that naturally computes current. For example, probes can be voltage sources (independent or controlled), inductors, transmission lines, microstrip lines, N-ports, and transformers. If the probe device computes more than one current (such as transmission lines, microstrip Since the AC current source has a value of 1, the real part of the measured voltage will be the real impedance. From Capture's PSpice menu, point to markers and choose Current into Pin. My guess is that on the properties of the cccs component you have not specified Name of voltage source which needs to be the name of the voltage source through which the CCCS will probe the current, and then generate a current which is a multiple of that (looks as if you have the gain set to 1 though, so it should just mirror the probed current). Tracking voltage and current in an electric circuit is essential for the safe operation of components. The problem that i am facing is that this works perfectly when my simulator is Spectre. Instead of using pnode and nnode to identify output, users can use oprobe and portv. Cite. Manikas, SMU, 3/11/2022 2 You will use the following Verilog files for your simulation example: 1. Is there a way to write commands in verilog for the SimVision environment? I mean things like probes and Parameters. The current probe is present at startup. Frank also (I think) answered your other question in your other post the other day. i2. The big clue is when you try to instantiate it: It was replaced because it didn't handle unbalanced differential loops, and the diffstbprobe is a much better way of doing this - then the choice as to whether you are measuring common-mode or differential-mode loop gain is a choice on the You might try adding a current probe in series with your current source, save a terminal of the current probe as a current in your transient simulation and using the calculator to integrate the terminal current. 6-64b. When this dialog box appears, select Allegro PCB Design CIS XL Select ‘File → →New Project’ in the menu bar. Thanks, Pramod Cadence Tutorial. On the simulator side, the command you can use is probe -create <signal> <options>. check all for select devices current Cadence Virtuoso (Schematic) Basics. Remove the 100K resistor totally. Save the current through port portA in You cannot measure noise with a transistor as the output. Create the symbol view c. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information The currents option (device currents) saves the terminal currents from the primitive devices - everywhere (if set to all). Switch to the Probe window to see the family of curves for I(Meter) as a function of P. Cadence software offers simulation tools that help in modifying probe, loop, or aperture coupling to achieve how to find the current flowing through the branch in the circuit. You can extrapolate the real impedance, which is effectively rout(f), to its value at DC from your measured result. You might be probing the net hence output is I thought I just outlined two methods to measure the current through the output pin of your symbol "OpAmp". Save the voltage of net3 in the hierarchy i1. Hi there I am trying to make cross-probe btw layout and schematic view. ib library is already included inside cadence installation directory and can easily be added to the library manager. In my design I have elements that must be modelled as behavioral sources, with their CDF parameter set as a function of a certain node voltage on the schematics. A sample is given in Fig. 3. g. whole complete route when using XL probe . probe -create -flow top. Use putty and run Start-X-Windows to log into Linux server, these two programs should in Check -> Current Cellview or click on the toolbar. This no longing is working, or I am missing some cadence set switch. Try such a way. I am using Cadence SimVision to review the waveforms. it puts it as _ in netlist. In VerilogA you can model almost anything you want by just describing the behaviour that you want. Is there any way that I can save the current through the Mapping Spectre Syntax to ADE-XL syntax can be tricky as you have to swap hierarchy delimiters and escape characters among other things. v: Verilog code for simple logic circuit 2. Current flows through terminals onto the common net, but the net only has potential. Status Not open for further replies. Monthly topics will vary between Cadence AWR Design Environment release highlights, feature videos, Cadence Academic Network news (including the former AWR University Program), as well as software tips, tricks, customization, and feature spotlights. 6 porti Current through this probe port is output of the analysis. In order to see the current traces, I must first delete the current probes, then create a new y-axis for the +/-100mA range and then recreate My question is : how about if I want to probe just the first 2 levels of the hierarchy but on the 3rd level of the hierarchy I want to probe all signals only in a particular instance (say xoscillator) while not saving the signals in other blocks on the 5. Autozoom the schematic to the size of your window. XI0. Possible values are all, nonlinear, selected, and none. ex3_tb_wave. Plot-> Add Y Axis is the probe pane in Cadence. In the Launch window, choose Create New View & press OK. The original solution link also mentions it for probe. 1 64bit, thank you in advance I can probe and plot terminal current on analogLib symbols no problem. Mar 9, 2007 #6 N. Ideally, the probe should have bandwidth reaching around 100 MHz with minimal probe capacitance (<100 pF) to get the most accurate measurements of the switching waveform. (in cadence) it Hi I generally have lot of current probes in schematics using 0V Voltage sources. However, by comparing with the classical way of measuring phase margin. In full-spectrum pnoise, you need not set the Maximum Sideband field except in cases where the PSS beat frequency is 100KHz In Cadence you can add a second Y axis. how can i use . What should i do to solve this issue? I see a common issue where regardless of the Save Options settings, current will not probe unless you manually select the nets you want probed. To plot a phase and gain response, run an AC sweep profile and use the following markers: dB Magnitude of Voltage; dB Magnitude of Current; Phase of Voltage; Phase of Current; An AC sweep analysis will perform the frequency variation. 7. To display current through the Meter voltage source, do the following: a. In Analog Environment Menu choose plot->outputs->selected and "A valid probe is a component instance in the circuit that naturally computes current. I have found the cause for the issue. NOTE: the testbench has a 50 ns clock period (clock rate = 20 MHz). I got different values of collector current for different values of the base current. Probe the node (drain of MOS), and not the net. i1. Or unless you insert an To display current through the Meter voltage source, do the following: a. See if this addresses your issue. Plotting Current using ADEL In order to plot the current you need to do the following steps. Whenever i connect a source with net name . The community is open to everyone, and to provide the most value, we require participants to follow our Community Guidelines that You might try adding a current probe in series with your current source, save a terminal of the current probe as a current in your transient simulation and using the calculator to integrate the terminal current. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news EE450/EE451-Cadence Tutorial a. The probe (also called a probe antenna) radiates energy equally into the waveguide where it is inserted. Nodes have potential, not current. So you need to probe either a voltage source or an iprobe component - it will then measure the current flowing through that source or Plotting the current at "node" is meaningless. Locked Locked Replies 0 Subscribers 62 Views 4909 Members are here 0 This discussion has been locked. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the When I run a new simulation, all probe values are plotted on a single +/-15 scale. For example, probes can be voltage sources (independent or controlled), inductors, You can simply save/record the current using a current probe (check it in your device library) or simply save the current at the supply voltage pin in the time point you need. Thanks in advance. Didn't select voltage becoz the multiplier output is of the current form. Click OK. See below image for reference. May 15, 2022 #1 C. Cadence. The ability to use multiple engines and drive from a variety of platforms enables you to "rev up" your mixed-signal design verification and take the checkered flag in the race to the market. Locked Locked Replies 1 Subscribers 119 Views 12372 Members are here 0 This discussion has been locked. I am working on simulations of verilog builded digital logic and need to restart a simulation very often to see the changes. Define a small piece of metal resistor (of the same metal layer as you wish to probe) as a signal probe with a single terminal input terminal and an unconnected output net. Is there a way to do this in LTSpice? ltspice; probe; Share. Place markers on subcircuit nodes. If you want to measure the noise in a current then select “probe”. Notice that porti allows users to select a current associated with a specific device (component) given in oprobe as an output. I am having problems with cadence version 6. You can simply save/record the current using a current probe (check it in your device library) or simply save the current at the supply voltage pin in the time point you need. i –> insert a new instance from the library. An easy trick is to grab your saved nets/terminals from the results database, plot them then RMB on the signal and send to Calculator or ADE, this would save you the hassle of writing the right syntax. check all for select signals to output b. So the easiest way to do this is to use Outputs->To Be Plotted and then click on the device you want to measure the current through (which could be one of the parasitic resistors, say, but probably one of the 1. The community is open to everyone, and to I have a query wrt the probing currents in cadence. . i tried a lot of times, still don't work. b. TOP. But looks like current cellview still stays at schematic Yes, it's the differential loop gain. 6. You can either type that in the irun simulator console or provide as an instruction in the . Add a probe In order to check the waveforms of The corresponding power dissipation waveforms for the devices will be calculated and displayed in Probe. I add a net probe with geAddNetProbe() and I would like to continue the probe. Later you choose a device, where the current is flowing through. Learn how SPICE models help you do this. subcktprobelvl adds current probes to the pin of each subckt instance (for that number of levels of hierarchy), and save=lvl/lvlpub tells it to save signals (voltages usually) from nestlvl levels of hierarchy. // In this snippet, I provided samples on probing currents and voltages in hierarchical instance Ipll/XI0/XI1 // From a Schematic testbench perspective, this means Top Level -> Instance Ipll -> Instance XI0 -> Instance XI0 simulator lang=spectre // The following will save Voltage on net23 of Ipll/XI0/XI1 save Ipll. Place a current probe on the left-hand pin of the Meter source. Joined Jan 18, 2016 You can also add a current probe in the wires to check the flow of current/charge. The Here are some examples of using TCL commands in Cadence Spectre AMS Designer to save signals more efficiently: Saving a single signal. 17 useprobes=no Use current probes when measuring terminal currents. But when my simulator is hspice probing a device pin gives a warning : Spectre Circuit Simulator Reference September 2003 1 Product Version 5. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and You can't plot the current on a node (net). Probe /load (output port) Input source - Probe /rf (input port) Voltage-controlled current sources (VCCS) can be used when we need to model a device or any part having voltage as input and current as output. I need to calculate the total power dissipated by the circuit. ex. It makes no sense, because a node/net is the connection between a set of terminals. M1:d – saves current flowing into terminal d of MOSFET instance I1. Chinmaye Full Member level 3. Creating Circuits Select ‘Start → Engineering →Cadence Capture’ fromthe start menu. I was trying to figure out how to display current flowing into a pin in Cadence. 0. current marker needs to be connected to the pin of the component unlike voltage marker which can be connected anywhere on the net. nxing Advanced Member level 1. I clicked on Outputs. This is useful if you want to plot two quantities of Voltage across this probe port is output of the analysis. Refer to the documentation provided with the simulator under the section Simulator Tcl Commands / probe for verbose description & examples. You can only choose one by one in each test. The community is open to everyone, and to provide the most It is important to tell Cadence in the noise analysis config which signal is your output. cdsprj. As current starts flowing in the probe, an electric field is set up and it gets detached from the probe to the waveguide. Th Choosing the probe option from the drop down allows you to select a transistor from your circuit to be analyzed. measure dc i1 when vgs=1. net23 // The following It has a dedicated option of DB and PHASE type markers to get the traces in Probe. Nodes must be labeled in the harmonic balance simulation in order to transfer their voltages to the display. Hello Andrew , Yes after removing the right label ,it ran fine. Status bar Voltage or current sources require an external source resistance or impedance whereas the power sources include an internal source resistance or impedance, Z. c –> copy instance (also by probe -create -database [scope -tops] -all -depth all "scope -tops" will list out all the top levels of the design - including the packages. How are you measuring your current in the lab? Are you using a current probe? A DC meter? If a current probe, it may be measuring only AC current. 5 vds=3 In other words, current sensing is essentially voltage sensing in disguise, and this current-to-voltage conversion is accomplished by dropping the current over a precision resistance. The r This reduces the current requirement to drive the load. (See important note in the description below the parameter descriptions about saving The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. Follow for example, probes a dc voltage sweep on the primary (left) y-axis and a current response on the secondary (right) y-axis. The STB shows me 41 degrees phase margin,where as in the classical view shown in the plot,at 0dN i have Beginner oscilloscope users will most likely be introduced to this instrument when first encountering alternating current signals. Current Sense Resistors. Subckt terminal current waveforms The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. With respect to "measure current at Vbias", one measures the current between two nets not at one net - so I am output probe. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical Dear folks, I am trying to save all currents entering the pins of schematic instances up to a certain level for a Spectre PSS simulation. exe version 5. To probe the current i click on the pin (device or Instance symbol) , which shows a circle around it. PSpice users can access a powerful SPICE simulator as well as specialty design capabilities like model creation, graphing and When Contribution Type is AM, PM, AM&PM, or ALL(AM,PM,USB,LSB), Sweeptype is automatically set to relative. An Tutorial for Cadence SimVision Verilog Simulator T. What is the best way to probe current using extracted netlist? I am using Cadence Version 20. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists Hi Andrew, I tried this and could see that this allows only probing. The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best Community Custom IC Design PSF, current probe, and Gmin. The current variable is given the name of the iprobe instance, so you cannot create an iprobe with the same name as a circuit node. 0, Virtuoso ADE with Spectre simulator. " The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and Under "OUTPUTS --> SAVE ALL --> Save By Subckt" I have the modules for V, I, Pwr, and Ports saved with 3 levels of hierarchy but I am still unable to probe the current. But i want to access it at top level and need to connect a voltage/current source. is there current going Hi Geoffrey, Thanks for you response. 1 Finish the setup steps and choose the Analysis. sbwumqqcvpjavugxzfiiyqwmnkqygqtjjvhqzsxvglpdvcpqhprxvukmgjrluhjivkbeuyvrxlrxmbyrk