Hd599 amp Skip to main content 12 reasons to shop with us. They generally do not benefit from additional headphone amp power. After doing A/B comparison many times, there seems to be some minimal difference. I'm thinking of upgrading my HD 599. It's definitely not the first time i've heard someone describe the 599 as muddy. Share Source/Amp - iPhone XS Max, Macbook Pro and Acer Predator Helios 300. The pair im looking at now is the Sennheiser HD 599, and was curious if a DAC was needed to get most out of MQA files? A dedicated Dac and Headphone amp yup, more than enough but many people seem to be going towards the fiio e10k Timestamps00:00 Intro00:06 Lift Off - Killrude00:54 Pressure - Candelion01:41 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare02:31 Let Your Body Go Crazy - Zenosyne03:16 It's Even before comparing them to other cans with a headphone amp, the instant I put them on and played by go to reference track, "More Than A Feeling" I noticed the general lack of brightness. Its frequency response is 12- 38,500 Hz, the sound pressure level (SPL) is 106dBSPL (1kHz/1Vrms) and THD, total harmonic distortion is HD599 and HD600 owner here. So, which one’s should I get? HD599 or HD58X? HifiGuides Forums Sennheiser HD58X Jubilee or HD599? Headphones. all in all the HD 599 don't necessarily need an amp but they do benefit slightly from it. R. A. Oct 27, 2017 1,576. Available from Dealers worldwide starting September 15th, but available for preorder now on amp amplifier hd599 headphone headphone amp sennheiser creepyg Established Member. Independent measurements show no audible distortion in bass at 114db. I want little improvement on bass otherwise they sound good for me. TBH I prefer the sound profile on the hd560s but the 599 is just a much comfier headset that still sounds I've seen the Sennheiser HD599 SE on sale on Amazon today for £70, this seems like a really good price for open back headphones. Upgrading from HD599 . It offers a clear and crisp sound quality, which will offer a natural sound to the listener. I'm kind of considering also ordering a pair of hd599 now to compare them and then return the one I like the least, if the one I prefer happens to be the hd599 I would also make You don't really need an amp for the 599. The hd560s has an edge over the hd599 in sound quality, while still being decently comfortable wear wise (not hd599 comfort though). IEM: X Crinacle Zero. Sennhesier’s HD 5 series will revolutionize the way you listen to music — and the HD 599 tops the series. Tuning Performance 1. I use mine So I recently got the Sennheiser HD599 headphones and started noticing some problems with my motherboards built in soundcard (Z370-F) making a sort of low pop/crackle sound throughout songs and videos which is obviously really annoying. With an impressively refined and natural sound, Sennheiser's HD599 offers incredible sound at an attractive price. They can be used to deliver high-end audio Here you can ask which headphone is better, which amp you should buy, which gear best fit your budget and anything related to headphone comparisons and purchasing. Both pale in comparison to the 6XX which I've had for over four years now and has scaled with every upgrade I've made. Had them 8 The HD599 don't need an amp unless you got issues with your hearing. Most 560S reviews always seem to assume that an amp is a That is just one person's opinion. The BTR13 is a portable DAC/amp suitable for various use cases. 5mm thì bạn có thể sử dụng cùng với những thiết bị âm thanh cơ bản như Hai sợi cable của Sennheiser HD599 sẽ sở hữu hai jack kết nối khác nhau, một sợi sẽ có jack 6. First of all, you're gonna need an amp setup for both of these (especially the HD600). I have an IEM with the same sensitivity but with much lower impedance, it sounds dull and uneven from my phone headphone socket. 5 mm adapter/dongle. They still sound Finally, the Sennheiser HD 6XX may need a headphone amp to really access its potential, while the HD 599 does not. Sennheiser HD599 The 599 is a terrible match with that amp. I should advice you to try also the HD599, they still sound good enough (especially if you are sure you don't want a separate amp), I have both the 599 and 560S and the 599 I gave to my daughter to use on her Android phone and she is happy with them. The HD599 Don't need an amp to run them, I hardly take the SMSL volume above zero (zero volume is 7 o'clock on the dial, 9 o'clock is getting too loud) (low gain). The sound is accurate, but not accurate enough to make it fatiguing after long use. Using Grado Hemps on low gain setting, 50% is a comfortable listening volume with plenty of headroom. It's pretty efficient. I listen to a variety of music ranging from EDM, dinner jazz, Rock, metal, Reggae, and You don’t need an external AMP to drive it to its fullest potential. Given the warm and veiled sound signature of the HD 599 which amp/dac combo would compliment it the best. If you have the amplifier power, Read what Crutchfield customers have to say about the Sennheiser HD599 Open-back wired over-ear headphones. Basically I wanted to look into improving the sound quality by pairing with a different amp or perhaps a DAC/AMP combo. It's light, has the right amount of clamping force and has good pads. When I plugged these to my PC, I got the above reviews much better Step into the world of audiophile sound. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases From my experience with a pair of HD599 they sound good with low impedance amp, I set the onboard AMP to the lowest settings on my ALC1220 setup because my HD599 start to sound a little bit boomy and muddy when impedance is too high. They sound fantastic but are definitely a bit dark and warm. Prime day 2 years ago I believe it was. Both headphones should be able to run without an amp. I have HD560S. 5mm dongle would be the minimum for perfect performance. Which AMP/DAC should I get for HD599? Hi, I currently have the fx audio dac-x6 and am able to return it to get something higher end like the FiiO k5 or k7. I actually bought them second hand but sealed for half a price. Through our experience with audio equipment, including various DAC amplifiers, we have gained a deep understanding of the key features to consider when selecting the best amplifier for the Sennheiser HD 599 headphones. Would there be any benefit for getting an amp/dac for it? Hello, I am new to the Audiophile zone. The ALO CV5 and HD599 combination is magical, the light tube smoothness of the Continental V5 perfectly matches the HD599’s characteristics resulting in a smooth and engaging sound signature with In this article, we discuss how to choose a DAC amplifier for the Sennheiser HD 599 headphones. O2 is well-documented on the still-existing site of the 'vanished genious' NwAvGuy. It came ready built and I just had to provide it with a proper power transformer and a power supply (using an LM337 reg at 20 VDC). Moving onto the main topic, gaming. . How much for a JDS Atom or Schiit magni amp? Topping DX7s & Audio-GD NFB-11. just for some numbers, the HD 599 are 50 ohms most phones or other onboard amps can do a decent job up until the 100 ohm Best portable headphone amp (battery-powered) — iFi Audio hip-dac3; Best desktop amp for home office — iFi Audio ZEN CAN 3; Best headphone preamp — Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M; Best headphone amp for vinyl lovers — Music Hall PA 2. Though I'm sure I won't be able to consistently pick and differentiate Amp vs PC in blind So I was thinking that I might get an amp and connect it to my sound card via the 3. It sounds a bit AMP recommnendations for HD599. Sound quality • Removable/replaceable cable • Open back. Looking for a budget recommendation within $100. Take some time to just listen to your HD599, but you can also start delving Hai sợi cable của Sennheiser HD599 sẽ sở hữu hai jack kết nối khác nhau, một sợi sẽ có jack 6. Home. And while HD599 will have more mid-bass emphasis out of the box if you're into that, HE400SE can be equed to provide a lot of bass emphasis. Footsteps sounded muffled, but again, an amp fixed that issue. Still if you're looking for something similar yet different, the HD58X might be another option to consider. Share More sharing options Followers 1. After X6 I went to more expensive Creative G6, which I didn't like and replaced it by SoundBlaster Z + amplifier for HD600 and HD430, but I still have X6 connected and use it daily for If you ask for recommendations for a dac/amp for something like HD599 everyone on this sub will tell you to save that money for headphone upgrades. If you have an opportunity to try them out An amp opens up the 599s a lot, even at lower volume. Dekoni Audio is pleased to announce new earpads, tailored to support the Razer Kraken and Sennheiser GAME ONE/PC37X Gaming Headsets. But while listening to my records they were pretty good. Are 600s like this? Are muted highs a Sennheiser signature? I consider my 280 Pros unusable as My first listen without an amp was disappointing, but getting a good amp immediately fixed all my issues. The HD599 are easier to drive but I don't know enough about your motherboard to say if it would be important. more detail, more everything, tracks that sounded really good on K3+HD599 sound even better on the K11. It will already have been returned when this review is published. For the digital piano and running music through the PC and phone, is an amp a MUST for either of these to get decent levels of volume. O2 is still a good and robust amp - with its solid metal case (Atom: plastic), and with its through-hole (thus, easily repairable) handsoldering it's the antithesis of all that throw-away BS. Maybe they are just defect. It has a very modest price tag and also comes with a built-in headphone amp which provides even more value to its users. I just wanted to know if I can hear more details and can separate the sound better than my hyper x cloud without having a boring pair of headphones, better positional audio. If your current amp has a low enough output impedance & high enough current output, it's likely you'll hear very little difference. Marcsman360; Member; 4 Posted 1 hour ago. It is barely noticeable. HD58x or HD6xx with an schiit stack might be a good option. Sennheiser HD6XX 3. So you should certainly use them a bit first before thinking about an external dac/amp. I just purchased the HD599 today and while I was at the store testing the cans I tested with and without the amp. They feel about as well-built as the Sennheiser HD 598, although their headband is a bit different since it's covered with a more premium leather coating. But in the future yeah I would like to get a amp/dac when Microsoft updates the Xbox to use an amp or dac and still use group chat. You might be very satisfied with how they sound. 3mm chuyên nghiệp cùng với đầu chuyển 6. I am not Also, I’ve never used studio headphones before. Còn với sợi cable 3. Also, with 400$ you can do better than HD599. PC Setup: SoundblasterX G6 DAC -> JDS Labs Atom Headphone Amp -> Hifiman HE400SE & Senn HD560s & HD800 & AKG K702 & Hifiman HE4XX & NAD HP50 & Senn HD600 all EQ'd to Harman Curve. You won't need an amp, but a discreet USB sound card (aka DAC), even just a dongle really keeps the sound clear from mobo power noise. Aleksi August 20, 2020, 10:13pm 1. 3mm giúp bạn sử dụng Sennheiser HD599 với những chiếc DAC/AMP để bàn chất lượng cao. It will sound bland or non-exciting for those I have recently started getting into high-level open-back headphones. Paired with the HD599 I use the FiiO e10k headphone DAC/AMP. 00. I used my Violectric DAC/AMP combo to run these, and it is the reason these sound so good on my setup. - and is the top model of the HD5** range. Very unlikely an amp would do anything, if the arctis 7 is much less bassy then that probably goes a long way to explaining why you find the 599 muddy. In this video I will be reviewing Sennheiser’s HD 599, an open back headphone with great bass, warm signature and excellent imaging. Reply reply My schitty amp and dac should be in here soon too! Also note that HD599 are wired and opened, so basically stay-at-home headphones, whereas M3 are wireless, noise-cancelling, etc, all the good stuff. ) design, which channels the audio signal directly into your ears. 28 & Dark Voice 336SE Beyer T90, HD58X, Fostex T-X0 Here you can ask which headphone is better, which amp you should buy, which gear best fit your budget and anything related to headphone comparisons and purchasing. I do not have a proper desktop amp but I can tell you the HD599 love power. Robin L Master Contributor. It has an amazing bass quality that will give you quite an immersive listening experience. It retails for around between € 150. What I’ve read about the 650s is that the Xbox controller can power the headphones. Sennheiser HD58X. I’ve owned the sennheiser HD599 for around half a week as of now, but I’ve done some very extensive listening with them, and I think I can give a fairly good perspective in regard to the sound, comfort, and other aspects of this headphone, despite Here you can ask which headphone is better, which amp you should buy, which gear best fit your budget and anything related to headphone comparisons and purchasing. I'm a bit concerned that I might get the headphones and be disappointed with the audio levels. Forums. Here you can ask which headphone is better, which amp you should buy, which gear best fit your budget and anything related to headphone comparisons and purchasing. I need help deciding whether to get a dual DAC dongle or a Desktop DAC/AMP or keep using the Apple dongle. I watched HC last YT video, but the Schiit Fulla / Hel is Sennheiser HD599 4. Reactions: Robbo99999. HD599 are fairly easy to drive. And I have DAC and Amp. There's also an Amazon specific HD599SE that's the same headphone just with a different finish. I'm thinking about getting a new soundcard or Amp and Dac. Rating Summary The Sennheiser HD 599 amazed us with their excellent audio quality, clear mid-range and good treble detail. See All Customer Reviews Write a I had to get Dekoni Nuggets for the HD599 as the headband has very little padding, and too much pressure is placed on a single spot at the very crest. I got them hooked up to the PC, so I'm not sure about PS4. Joined Sep 2, 2019 Messages 6,392 Likes 9,482 Location 1 mile east of Sleater Kinney Rd. Nov 5, 2021 #22 Riez1984 said: Foobar2000 + DSP plugins -> Topping E50 DAC -> Singxer SA-1 amp -> Sennheiser HD660S, HD599SE If you have a bit of extra money to throw at it, consider getting a DAC/Amp combo like the FiiO E10K (if you’re using the HD599 on the PC). Topping Sennheiser’s 500 series, the full sized premium headphone offers near-audiophile levels of sound quality and exceptional wearing comfort thanks to the large ear cups and soft replaceable ear pads. Dt770 sound very good, but hd599 just dont. to/2jsce7nSo Sennheiser came out with a new open back headphone that tries to improve on an already stellar classic in the 598's. In my opinion it is an amplifier that has good volume and will only make the HD650 scream, with almost no stage and little musicality. My favourite setup for these headphones is using the line out of the SR25 to the Denon and then to the HD599. However, the frame still feels weak compared to some other headphones, and the hinges feel This headphone will work on a phone acceptably, but you won't get the maximum of sound quality. I would say these are great for games. Hi, I just got a pair of Sennheiser Hd599 and was looking into possibly getting an amp for it. You'll need a DAC, unless you just want to amp your PC signal, in which case Schiit Modi 3, I have hd599 SE, bought from Sennheiser outlet under 100e. The matte ivory HD-599 Open-Back Around-Ear Headphones from Sennheiser are a successor to the popular HD 500 series and are powered by Sennheiser's proprietary transducer technology including the "Ergonomic acoustic refinement" (E. I recently bought the HD599 due to the positive reviews as my old planetronics 780 doesn't work anymore, but I personally feel like the HD599 is inferior in sound. At the moment I can’t use a dac/amp then I’ll lose the ability to use group chat. Also compared to something the AKG K701(702) / DT 990 / ATH AD700X . They also have more metal accents on the ear cups. Tai nghe Sennheiser HD 599 được kèm theo hai bộ dây, một bộ dây dài 3m với jack 6. The HD599 have an impedance spike in the bass region, and amping the headphones can result in slightly cleaner/less-boomy bass. Without any AMP or DAC (Realtek ALC1220 Audio Chip / Purity Sound 4). May 29, 2020 #5 I feel like this is a very well regarded entry level amp if you want to go that way: Here you can ask which headphone is better, which amp you should buy, which gear best fit your budget and anything related to headphone comparisons and purchasing. The Sennheiser HD599 have a decent build quality. Share My HD599 on the other hand is a dream. Magnius already has enough headroom with those HD599, that amp is overkill for those headphones. Free 2-day shipping to Iowa See details. edit maybe you’re thinking the HD599 has the same headband as the HD598? The 598 is different and according to HD599: HD599 back to Sennheiser back to measurements home Published: Jun-25-2018 NO SMOOTHING is applied to the shown plots. i feel you, my first “quality” headphone purchase was the hd599. For music, Dolby has music settings, but you can also just enjoy your HD599 with these deactivated. FiiO A3 has more than enough power to drive the HD599. For instance, these headphones stand ready to offer you near-audiophile level sound thanks to refinements like E. Anyway, take this all with a grain of salt, as headphone preference is a highly subjective topic. So I’ve heard that the hd599 are warmer, and less harsher on the highs. Forum Style Contact us; The HD599 is an EXCELLENT headphone for gaming - I don't know if OP went ahead with them, but I've got a whole slew of headphones and headsets and the HD599 finds this perfect balance of having a great soundstage, super accurate imaging, they have the right amount of clarity in the high end to help separate sounds from one another (makes a big Schitt products are not so easy to find in my country. I read the reviews before mine and was suprized, I did not hear the negatives so much, well come to this later. I use it in bed on my Pixel 4a 5G andI also use it on my pc with a Loxjie D30 amp/DAC (V1) or occasionally on my Xbox series X connected to the controller. The pandemic has kept the prices high though. In terms of sound, the HD600 provides a more neutral tuning, while the 599 is warmer. Sadly i dont posses any dongle/dac/amp, just my denon pm600ne amp with headphone jack and dads marantz av amp. We’ll be looking at buil This amplifier was mediocre in the separation of musical instruments. The 599 is just a revised HD598 with better bass and I still use my 598s for gaming. I hear significantly more detail and better soundstage even with a simple A3 amp on mine. Reply reply The Sennheiser HD599 is an open over-ear dynamic headphone. HD560s is for critical listening, less but cleaner bass than HD599, with a more pronounced treble and better imaging and separation. Question: What's the bare minimum amp I'd need for the Sennheiser HD599's? "Bare minimum" is a very flexible idea but something like the Apple USB-C 3. Headphones - Open Back Hi guys. It's for those who value longevity (and opensource projects). As this is a dynamic headphone the frequency response might be amplifier output resistance dependent when certain higher output resistance amplifiers are used. - and € 200. In terms of Soundstage / Imaging etc. They sounded like a speaker with a blanket thrown over it. cheeseholidays. I think the HD599 being open back headphones, they lack bass. HD599 are my workhorse headphones, I find them to be better built and slightly more comfortable than the HD600 (thicker plastic, better headbands). Headphones and Headphone Amplifier Reviews. My question is, do I need a DAC / AMP for these headphone? I currently use my on board sound from my ASUS ROG STRIX Z390-E GAMING. Idk is the amp did something. Posted 2 years ago by Jsgen182. Despite not having a thunderous bass, they balanced the low-end frequencies just right for regular listeners. The hd599 is insanely comfortable both sound and wear wise. Joined Aug 11, 2017 Messages 187 Reaction score 89 Points 88 Age 43 Location Glasgow. Thread starter angelmf2704; Start date Sep 2, 2021; Tags amp amplifier dac hd599 Toggle sidebar Toggle sidebar. Philips Fidelio X2HR 2. MSRP: $399. There appears to be some tuning differences from the HD598 to the HD599, mostly in the bass it appears. I Amp - I would prefer to not have to plug these into an amp. Audio. 5mm jack. If you really want one, Schiit Magni Heresy, Magni 3+, and JDS Labs Atom are the standbys. Reply November 8, 2017 Eduardo Buy Sennheiser HD 599 SE Around Ear Open Back Headphone - Black: Over-Ear Headphones - Amazon. The sound is a bit more warm compared to HD58X and HD6xx (both tested on my setup). Very versatile little piece of kit. Hey everyone. (ergonomic acoustic refinement), comfortable earpads, and an open-back design that frees the music to Got this little amp to use with my Sennheiser HD599 headphones. If you're used to the HD599 You may hear a difference using an amp, the sensitivity of the hd599 is shown as 106 dB/V on the Sennheiser site, that is about 93 dB/mw which is pretty low though not extraordinary for headphones. With the Sennheiser HD599, do I need a DAC to get the most out of Tidal? Tech Issue I have had a HyperX Cloud Orbit S for a while, but it straight up stopped working after a couple years. With Amp, I might get 1-2% improvement. It uses the Qualcomm QCC5125 Bluetooth chip and supports Bluetooth codecs like LDAC*, allowing it to support high- resolution audio transmission up to 96k in both Bluetooth and USB DAC modes, ensuring you can enjoy high-fidelity music across various devices. Comfort, Style, and Clear Audio. but it requires an amp that’s more powerful than For my DAC stack/combos, I'd gotten an Oppo HA-1 and iFi Micro iDSD Black Label (these are combos. edit: oops, missed the "PS4" part. After the disappointment of the M40x I looked into the HD5 series again and see we are now at the HD599, but things get confusing. The HD599 is more exciting sounding than the HD650. both DAC and amp built into one unit) and a Gustard X12 (DAC only) + H10 (amp only) stack and I can basically power any dynamic/planar magnetic headphone in the market with relative ease. That said an upgrade will probably run you $300 for HD6XX and an entry level Dac/Amp. It’s for console. Headphone Discussion / Help. Amplifier - Desktop So I've seen several older posts on this topic, saying that you don't need an AMP/DAC combo for Sennheiser HD599, beacuse they are easy to drive. By Marcsman360 1 hour ago in Audio. FiiO New K3 supports up to 32-bit/384kHz (PCM) and decodes DSD256 (Native). My Gear:- Sennheiser HD599 SE FiiO BTR5 Mac Mini M1 Apple Music Lossless (Mostly Rock, EDM and mixed instrumental music) My budget is at the max $400 or stretched to $500. this just means if you don't have an amp you will not lose quality but there may be a slight change in general max volume, and low end. The difference won’t be night and day, maybe 10-15%, but the option is The FiiO New K3 is a fantastic choice for your Sennheiser HD 599 open-back headphones. Step into the world of audiophile sound Topping Sennheiser’s 500 series, the full sized premium headphone offers near-audiophile levels of sound quality and exceptional wearing comfort thanks to the large ear cups and soft I don't even have any amp or anything, just listening to them straight out of my phone and computer, the volume is basically the same as the 598CS, that is, dangerously high. Hello! I need new headphones primarily for editing and gaming. Feb 14, 2020 #1 Evening all, Picked up a set Buy Them Here: http://amzn. 3mm sang 3. In the event your product doesn't work as expected or you need help using it, Amazon offers free product support options such as live phone/chat with an Amazon associate, manufacturer contact information, step-by-step troubleshooting guides, and help videos. Will provide more details on the actual PSU I am using, in a following post. 2; Best headphone amp with built-in streaming — Naim Uniti Atom Headphone Edition Along with Disclaimer: The Sennheiser HD599 was sent to us on loan by Sennheiser’s PR agency. 5mm, mục đích để nghe ở nhà và cắm vào Headphone Amplifier – DAC. 5mm thì bạn có thể sử dụng cùng với những thiết bị âm thanh cơ bản như The Sennheiser HD599 is a perfect choice for all audiophiles. Sup guys, I just bought me the Sennheiser HD 599 for gaming. There are AMPs out there that intentionally change the sound but: 1 - That doesn’t mean they will be driving the HD 599 to their fullest potential as even cheap Chinese MP3 players are enough for it. After trying the Philips X2HR for a while, I switched to the Sennheiser HD599. This explain why they sound really good from a low impedance source like smartphones. If I were using the HD599, I would try the DragonFly and also save up more money for a good amp. The HD599 has an Impedance of 50 Ω and not the iconic 300Ohm of the audiophile-level units. HD560S can work as-is with my PC, iPhone 8 Plus, and Samsung S20 FE. The Iem/Headphones I currently use most: CCA CRA, Truthear Hola, TRN ST5, T3+, Moondrop Stellaris (I know many people hate it but I really enjoy how it sounds EQed), HD599, SHP9500 and JBL 32ohms wireless headphones that I use wired. I have been looking at the recently released HD560s as a possible upgrade from the HD599, but I wanted to ask your advice on if this is the case or not. Thats why these are a great entry at $130-$150. My Desktop Headphone setup is Topping E50 Balanced DAC -> SMSL SP200 Amp. The options that are the next step up need an additional purchase or a Dac/Amp. Sennheiser x Drop HD 6XX. They shine with power. Testing this against the great HD600s on a decent DAC and entry level JDS Atom 2 amp these sounded nearly as good and clear (yet far warmer I use a Audio Engine D1 Dac/Amp with my PS5 as it uses UAC1 which is compatible with the PS5. The HD599 is not any particularly highly resolving headphone & the differences between amps are fairly minute after you achieve a baseline. I'm planning to buy sennheiser HD599 which is around 200 dollars but today I came across sennheiser HD599 special edition which is priced around 100 dollars. Member. The amazing amp experience that comes with this headphone will help you enhance the quality of dac-amp desktop amp hd599; Replies: 1; Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size) Choice Pad Loadout for Gaming Headphones. My untrained ears can hear the difference vs the HD599 in the details. The HD560s is leagues ahead ergonomically with its foam and centre cut-out, imo. On a technical level, I’d say either stick with the built-in Realtek DAC+AMP or buy something cheap like the Apple usb-c to 3. It doesn’t need an amp but with an amp it sounds a lot better. Amp for Sennheiser HD599 Amp for Sennheiser HD599. What I heard was too much confusion at medium volumes. I use them sometimes with my stereo amp, an old but excellent Denon. Sort by date Sort by votes delaro The HD599 is excellent for gaming. Step into the world of audiophile sound. Plenty of people enjoy the HD599. Not sure why on the 599 specifically as I was able to get the ( normally priced at $499 ) HD660S for $329 last month. The Sennheiser HD599 is easy to drive and it doesn’t really need an amplifier but when using one, it definitely impacts the sounds immediately. It's so comfortable to wear and my wife who sleeps next to me doesn't have an issue with it being open. The A60 is from 1976 and is known to have poor sub-bass performance and lacking in overall clarity. Yes indeed the HD599 has been as low as $99. They are easy to drive compared to a lot of cans, but a cellphone can still struggle to get them load enough to sound good with some tracks or in a noisy environment. As mic I use a Blue Yeti X USB Microphone. The hd599 sounds amazing in the trebble and highs but sound a bit harsh if the source or recording of the music is not 100% propper, with my Fiio M5 they tend to be a bit to Bright to my taste (and the hd599 is not a Bright headphone) Dac/amp/dap: Fiio m5, creative ZxR, Meizu HiFi dac, Ibassio DC01, E1da 9038s and pdv2,Tempotec V1. I heard that this could be due to the fairly high output impedance of the headphone amp on the card (22 ohms) vs the low impedance of the headphone (50 ohms). This seems a good pre-amp or powered speaker feature I'll certainly take advantage of. poimpbktqgfkpwxrvyeqbtuakcpstjtymgcuozrbpladfbysubhzaadrrrsfzfvjnqeskwujbpztehenbnw