Humans in commorragh. Afaik it use some technomagic fuckery to harness .
Humans in commorragh. No humans involved as far as I know though.
- Humans in commorragh They are all "real Aeldari" but there is a cultural distinction within that group, due to most of them being "half What survived in Commorragh was a race of pure-bred survivors with the blackest hearts imaginable. A Kabalite Warrior of the Drukhari. like most of the Imperium) who has a theoretical knowledge at best of how bad Commorragh and the Drukhari really are. It´s also worth noting that Commorragh isn´t really "just" a city, it is more a The Commorragh Raid occurred in M35 and was one of the few known Imperial incursions into the Dark Eldar city of Commorragh, located deep in the Webway. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Should a powerful noble have a disrespectful son, daughter, servant, or spouse too valuable to kill off, or an enemy abducted and intended for humiliation, they are sent here to be broken in a carnal fashion. Humans can and do live here, alongside Kroot, Orks and pretty much anyone To fix it before a possible patch all you need to do/understand is this: 1. I don't think food would be a major concern for the Dark Eldar being as they are the second most advanced biologists in the galaxy I suspect they People in these comments acting like going to Commorragh is a automatic death sentence. Humans began to wage war vs flood and had to retreat and occupy nearby Forerunners planets. I went to check walktroughs on that so i know where they should be - Jay never appeared, Idira is also nowhere to be seen and Abelard wasn't there until the Pain Engine spawned and apparently killed him. You can also see Fabius his drive for perfection in his New men experiments. Commorragh had merely brought tempers to the boiling point. According to Vect's own account, related to a Human slave, in his youth he personally witnessed the Fall of the Aeldari in the late The Ssyth are talked about as alien mercanaries that the Archon hires out to protect him. ive got the guy i need to open it and it just aint happening idk if im sposed to beable to go back onto the Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. 2. If you have a full party when you rescued Nordom, the party member you dismissed would stay in the maze - which was hard to navigate back (althouhh always possible). The true crime, as always, was to exist. Others I saw, humans amongst them, who took to this depraved life with natural empathy. possible collapse of modern civilization etc. It´s still a murderous shithole, but the safest part you´ll generally find. Even at its peak, the Eldar race didn’t cover anywhere near the galactic scale of humanity’s two galactic empires (the old The oldest part of Commorragh, today it consists mainly of subterranean factories that ravenously consume millions of workers and slaves each year. No, that's what I'm saying, it should have been possible from what the developpers planned but currently isn't because it's blocked by conflicting flags preventing the option from appearing for iconoclast players, i think the trigger is both "Vigastes saved" and "commissar redeemed" when you can't redeem the commissar as iconoclast, but it is a bug, i guess it should be "or" instead There's lots of marketplaces, betting halls where you can bet on the outcome of different raids, there's a place called the Street of Knives with lots of knife manufacturers and shops, there was a big shanty-town area towards the bottom of Commorragh but it got completely fucked when a bunch of factories were built over it and just dumped the People really underestimate how ridiculously big Commorragh is. Again, rather unlikely. I don't want to reload my save since i Commorragh is to the greatest megalopolises of realspace as a soaring mountain is to a mound. No humans involved as far as I know though. especially considering how many people that fits in humans here on earth. Second, they'd have to find Commorragh. The Free xenos/humans in Commorragh ? A story featuring a "free" human thrown into Dark Eldars endless political games would be kinda interesting. It's not like there's a gate to go to where they check your ID to let you in. You have to convince someone like the Corsairs to not kill you and also to stick around with you in the city. Do note though that it only triggers if you left the Commissar alive. You can make a nice i just played the 2nd time through commorragh till the point where you enter RTS and i cant fucking find him. There is a lot of personal freedoms, and you can get away with things that don't threaten the whole society: stealing from fools or weaklings, a murder here and there (still the other Most people don't even know Commorragh exists Most don't even know the webway exists And even fewer of those would have any clue how to find Commorragh within the webway's labyrinthine and extremely dangerous paths You get there by being captured or by having contacts that are willing to lead you there, and you'll have to somehow avoid Commorragh is undoubtedly the largest city in the setting, and may be the largest single "thing" in the entire setting that isn't on the interstellar scale (i. The drukhari on the other side are manning a watching post of some variety, so they can Humans don't tend to last long, probably less than a year on average (though some will last much longer). This alone is extremely unlikely. Afaik it use some technomagic fuckery to harness With all this being said, I would appreciate some insight into the nature of Commorragh especially in regards to the Null City and average life in Comorragh General Questions. I'm entering the final Arena battle right now and am wondering if I have to do anything to save them? Would feel like a dick The great, open portals that ordinarily allowed the wan heat and illumination of the stolen suns to filter down on the city I've seen a few people say that Commorragh must be the size of a solar system as it contains stolen suns, but this passage shows the suns are in a pocket realm with portals allowing their heat and light onto the city. What other alien species could you see in Commorragh other than the Dark Eldar? I know there is mention of humans and Tau in the slave pits, but I am more curious as to those who aren't treated as just Welcome to the official X-Men subreddit. things like the Eye, or the Maelstrom). No single planet would be capable of supporting the sheer size of the Dark Eldar people, and no system of planets could ever hope to be as defensible as the Webway We have noted instances of people creating multiple accounts for the purpose of padding votes in a quest. She went from one of the most technically powerful and influential individuals in Commorragh (a Succubus of a Wych Cult) to, effectively, an outcast nobody for There's a non insignificant mercenary group that hangs out around the ports, various pirate races from across the galaxy that wheel and deal and sell their plunder to various Kabals and are strong enough that they aren't just enslaved first. And Texas is a bit smaller than a city the size of a star Although the quote does say it would swallow the city in one gulp, inferring little difficulty, so maybe Commorragh is closer to the size of a planet? Still ridiculously huge for a single, multilayered city, and would mean quadrillions of DE Edit: spelling Humans do not perceive things as Eldar or Dark Eldar do, and that limits what they can perceive and thus have a chance to understand. Third, they'd have to survive being there. Vect's portrayed frequently as some kind of ever-prepared Xanatos but these little views showed you Commorragh does not need them and I would reject any such overtures anyway, or better yet I would accept them and enslave all of the simpering fools that came here crying their false tears of conciliation. I kind of felt bad about double-crossing that slimy xenos to get in good with another slimy double-crossing human. An obvious example of this would be the idiots Night Lords from 10th Company. Take a wild guess that cannibalism is relatively mind fucking, if humans eat other humans regularly Yes, He could have probably done it with just Humans and Mechanicus forces but instead of a 200 year Crusade it would have been at least 5 times that(1000 years if you were wondering!) And probably hundreds of times more bloody and destructive. He took to piracy, forming a crew from the remnants of the Reaving Tempest. One of the Tome of Fire novels, I want to say the second, involves a Space Marine (Black Dragon) forced into gladiatorial combat if I remember it correctly. You vastly underestimate how enormous Commorragh is, as well as how well the Dark Eldar are poised to defend it against any sort of outside invasion. Times and dates in That would be the Harlequin example then. Like the Wild Bunch, but with aeldari, human and xenos criminals taking on drukhari. Commorragh is definitely the worst place to be in. with no way out. Unknown to either side, the entire series of events was manipulated by the Dark Eldar Archon of the Kabal of the Black Heart, Asdrubael Vect, in his rise to power as Supreme Overlord of Commorragh. Sad Many people think that there are no rules at all, but that's not right. How likely is it that Orks infest the lower levels of Commorragh? I can imagine that Wyches would quite often fight Orks in the fighting pits and it would only take a couple of stray spores, floating into the depths of an abandoned webway cul-de-sac to start a major infestation. How well would incoming people be screened for psychic activity? Commorragh, also known as the Dark City is the capital of the Dark Eldar society. History. People don't really like those "humans, scums and Xenos working together" kind of deals, especially on the mass scale. We would like to remind everyone that multiple accounts are not permitted. Dwelling in the cloudy wounds festering across the galaxy over is the stitched-together carcass of something once resplendent and shining. All that drug use, violence, etc - and not a bit of it is 'illegal'. but i abosolutely cant find the webway to get out, i have been all over a hundred times and i cant tell if its a bug or just me not finding it. While the initial plan is squashed the Imperium and Dark Eldar reconcile and a deal is made to exchange some parts and schematics the Dark Eldar need There isn't really a currency in Commorragh (although they trade with multiple alien species and factions, so its probably more accurate to say there are many currencies in Commorragh, although not all of them will be accepted by everyone). Somehow either humanity managed to develop flood-based anti This makes sense on my first trip to commorragh I had Abe, Yrliet, Cass, Jae and custom heavy gunner guardswoman merc, Yrliet appeared straight away. Highly intelligent and devious to the point of obsession, these piratical people revel in the physical and 15 votes, 13 comments. that are all This quest starts in chapter 3, right after we complete the 2nd fight in Commorragh's arena (where we fight Marazhai). ’ One of the things I liked about that book is the various views of Vect speaking frankly with various people. ), but the people from the Medieval age might not. After unexpectedly inheriting the title of Rogue Trader von Valancius, you’ll have to secure your holdings in the Koronus Expanse, establish and develop new colonies, investigate the An active human resistance cell in Commorragh was too good to be true and every word out of his mouth was on-the-nose and cheesy like Matt Ward wrote it. And the residents in a hive city number in the billions. Rogue Trader: Help Request I never seen Jay, Idira and Abelard in Comorragh. "I have long taken an interest in humans and their crude dabbling in fleshcraft. . (With commissar on your bridge representing that) Have Toybox installed and set it to Are most people in the galaxy aware of Commorraghs existence? If I'm a trader or mercenary from the outside I assume I'm one of the more powerful and influential people in the galaxy since entering Commorragh is not like playing with fire, more like playing with explosive acid, it can easily be a death sentence. They became a people of flint and stone, ready to set their faces against any vicissitudes unleashed upon their race by the uncaring Fates. I think there's a number of humans among those groups, but it's not like they walk around Commorragh alone. A while ago, Jim Reynolds posted a list of his rejected WHF/AoS/40K pitches. Asdrubael Vect was born as a low-class underling in Commorragh and sold into slavery as a child. Humans and other eldar, they cast terrified glances at Vect and set to the task of cleaning up the bloody remains that slicked the steps The Dark Eldar of Commorragh in Warhammer 40k: A Deep Dive If you're into the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40k, you've probably heard of the Dark Eldar of Commorragh. For me it was more about saving the humans after I became the pit king Reply reply In the original, if you dismissed a character, they stayed where you dismissed them. As He would have had to use Thunder Warriors as his Frontline Space Marine forces. These guys are not your average space elves; they're ruthless, sadistic, and live in a city that's basically a nightmare come to li Commorragh appears within the webway as a composite entity of impossible scale, a shimmering,contradictory realm that plucks at the sanity of those who approach it. If he wasn’t in your party before you’re kidnapped then he won’t be in Commorragh, if he was then he doesn’t turn up until after the first gladiator fight Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . So, any theory of how the scourges came across hawks and falcons? Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Considered the most devious of a people legendary for their deviousness, Vect is possibly older We know there aren’t as many Dark Eldar as humans. Under "Bag of Tricks" menu, scroll down to quality of life Commorragh, also known as the Dark City is the capital of the Dark Eldar society. Reply reply The only way i imagine a human or Khaine knows what entering the Dark city is probably through a secret passage widely know by the pirating community. Their fate was an inverse of the eldar’s. Odenetheus • And rats were able to survive, even thrive, in Commorragh's exceptionally violent flora and fauna? I mean, I know they're hardy, but that's impressive. With the Golden Throne failing the Imperium reaches out to Commorragh to help fix it. The drukhari had honed suspicion to a fine art, both of foe and friend. They burst into Commorragh and the demons go nuts for a little while. By the way, I just remembered this : "Life is worthless in the Dark City, only pain, misery and death have value. The Haemonculi do find humans captured on raids who've been infected by Genestealers, so they can definitely spot it fairly easily Commorragh does get overrun by daemons shortly after, but it has nothing to do with our actions here. People often underestimate how scary Harlequins actually are, and forget that Harlequins are to regular eldar what marines are to guardsmen. Another Archon wanted to kill him for delaying him as well without giving thought he was a harlequin. After all, she immediately They win with basic gear. though Abelard tends to go down as he can't quite tank properly without much gear, and Argenta/Yrliet (depending which of my runs it was) were mostly useless due to that same lack of gear/lack of proper tanky Abelard Please note I am not talking about tube grown humans here, I am talking about humans that are bred the normal way just within facilities in Commorragh or an uninhabited world accessed by the webway. Yet the Webway is not a true dimension of its own. There's also free humans who get paid for their troubles to do jobs for the dark elder. Remember Dark Eldar are the majority of the Eldar race, and are more numerous that most people realise. It's located deep within the labyrinth of the Webway, the space between realspace and Welcome to A Human in Commorragh! In this Quest, as you may have guessed, you play a human in the Dark City, specifically an arena slave of the Cult of the Twisted Knife, and your goal is to, first, Not Die, and second, Asdrubael Vect is the Drukhari archon of the Kabal of the Black Heart and the current supreme overlord of the Dark City of Commorragh. Times and dates in Towards the end of Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader‘s Chapter 2, Yrliet will beg you to help her look for the remaining Aeldar in Crannach. Mercenaries in Commorragh rob a minor Kabal's fortress. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Was just curious as to what others think about this. Be able to install and use Toy Box properly. Furthermore,vect can basically cut off webway segments and realms that got Countless human slaves have been torture raped in their dungeons; many twisted into immortal beings in order to prolong their pain indefinitely. The Drukhari are considered among the most cruel and malicious of xenos that threaten the people of the Imperium. Times and dates in That's 6-7 billion people. This message was edited 1 time. Blow it up, and show them Humans, Tau, Craftworld Eldar, and even fellow Dark Eldar are amongst the uncountable ranks of slaves. You get ludicrous claims flying around like 'The author thought the custodes were regular humans' when it says in the text that they're genetically augmented giants. Similarly using the Orrery might have dire consequences for the Galaxy that humans cannot comprehend. Countless ships dock each day within its outflung spines, for the Dark Eldar are far more numerous than even their craftworld kin suspect. co-exist. It's located deep within the labyrinth of the Webway, the space between realspace and the Warp. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I wanted to get a clear picture over what the Dark Eldar do with their slaves and how Commorragh's inner workings is like when it comes to the slave population, whether it's just the constant and never-ending pain and torture that's I hear over and over again, or if life in Commorragh for a slave had more that goes on. Breach a hole into the warp in Commorragh? The just detach that subrealm of Commorragh and let it fly off into the warp. I'm not sure if genestealer cults would actually be particularly successful in infiltrating Commorragh, and the primary reason for that is the relationship between the Haemonculi and powerful Dark Eldar figures. These range from mercenaries, to rogue traders to some There are some humans in Commorragh, though they're very uncommon. I have to disagree. At the end of the day, Yrliet was not being accused of being haughty, of looking down on humans, of acting against mankind's interest, or even of responsibility for what had happened on Commorragh - not truly. Last time we had this thread asked we kind of figured it's probably Kabals acting as banks for their members and affiliates and issuing promissory notes that are backed by notional slaves Rats are ubiquitous to human civilization. More posts you may like Commorragh The Dark City. It was an event so terrible that Pretty much her entire upbringing had taught her that humans can't be trusted, and now she's working with one and immediately finds evidence they may have participated in her people's genocide. Most likely, there are places that are known as Commorragh nexuses. Monsters People come here to inflict sadistic pain on lesser beings, but also because secretly they wish to degredate themselves. anyone one else lost, ive had to restart after the arena 3 times now cuz of bugs getting me trapped in places. In Warhammer 40,000 (40k), the term “Xenos” is a catch-all designation used by the human Imperium to describe any life form that isn’t human or daemonic, whether they be And if there's roughly 1 million inhabitable worlds in the galaxy, of which a small proportion are densely populated by humans, that means there could be at least thousands of Dark Eldar for every human in the galaxy. Remember from the 2010 codex it stated that Commorragh is to a Hive City what a mountain is to an anthill. But here is the problem : Commorragh. In fact, the drukhari word for alliance, inhazkhain, translated literally as Curze's head would explode in Commorragh. They would live on, no matter the cost, clawing their continued existence from the belly of creation In Commorragh one would have never allowed a stranger such access, welcomed into the heart of their, albeit temporary, citadel. Humans, Tau, Craftworld "Text": "The old Sslyth Malice did not risk returning to Commorragh, where the Cult of the Fatal Thirst was exacting vengeance on everyone who had helped the Rogue Trader. Origins. The origins of the Dark Eldar can be found in the Fall of the Eldar, the great cataclysm that nearly destroyed the entire Eldar race. This Primarch, Roboute Guilliman Hi all, I am currently writing a section of a Dark Heresy game that is to be set in Commorragh, specifically the "Null City" inhabited by non-eldar mercenaries and the like. It has been described instead as a complex See more Commoragh isn't just a city of slaves. As a short bit of content my players are acting in the role of veteran inquisitorial agents sent to find, interrogate, and kill an ex-inquisitorial agent turned traitor Commorragh has stood for over ten millennia, and due to the difficulties of surviving the Dark Eldar way of life, combined with needing to live much longer than what is Yvraine's fight, death and revival in the arena in Commorragh There were those philosophers who took grim delight in pointing out how the humans’ fate was unfolding as a cruder version of the Fall. Been a while since I read those books. With a great deal of kilometers between colony The Dark Eldar have been running the areas long enough that they know all the tricks every boxing promoter ever used, and then some. The Emperor goal was, presumably, to host most of mankind inside the webway especially psykers, to develop and nurture the Human race to the point humans would be able to control their emotions and psychic powers (much like Eldars Craftworlders) and- bonus objective- to "starve" the Ruinous Powers. Commorragh is more like a city ruled by the mafia, with no state intervention at all. true. e. One of the big ones is when you want to build up hype for a fighter you pit him against a stream of subpar opponents so he can get his record up to like 30-0 and then they can cash in on him with huge money fights for championships against Context: Commorragh is the gigantic city-state of Dark Eldars, Genestealer Cults are cults created by Genestealers to create unrest in the societies and make a path for Tyranids to come. So to humans & transhuman senses, it's not 100% real; but that is a consequence of not being ably to perceive it fully. The slaver agrees and you get the human and a room and with your blade in hand you torture the human People who weren't with you when you got kidnapped aren't in Commorragh, they weren't kidnapped. A human There is an entire subplane of Commorragh dedicated to this called Sec Maegra. It does state that the heart of but I thought that all eldar hate humans a crap-ton and refer to all of them as monkeigh, especially the commoraugh, ones, so how do humans even exist relatively safely in commorragh without dying in the kinkiest way possible Even with access to all the power of Commorragh I still can’t make time run faster or slower than it is normally wont to do. There is a place called Null City in Commorragh where alien mercenaries live so obviously you can exist in the Dark City without getting turned into torture porn. Whenever the topic is being brought up, people either consider it "a pretty big city" or ask "Why haven't the Imperium sent, like, 20 Chapters to destroy Commorragh?". Iyanna did not agree. The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it comic books, film, television, gaming or any other medium that Marvel's mutants have inspired people over the last half-century. You’ll end up at a space station where the Drukharri and Marzhai ambush your The Incubi are the enforcers of Commorragh, and are tied to its political system and hierarchic structure, so it is unlikely they would ever encounter a human in a position to make a deal with them. On my second arrival (I just couldn't win the last battle against the BBG with my teams builds and gear even with Ulfar, so after around 4 hours of trying, I had to save scum prior to Commorragh Due to the nature of The Dark City most people end up having to join with a Kabal to get a chance at living life, though others might find themselves in the cluthes of the Wych Cults, Haemonculus Covens, or even the exalted Incubi. Companions in Commorragh . I've killed the fake Commissar and assumed command of the ragtag group of human prisoners. So yes, you can easily add a few zeroes to that number to make a Drukhari population estimate. It's physical dimensions are likely For me it was a fairly standard Abelard goes in and taunts and is generally a tank as my RT melts stuff. Just the other day I went to "The keeper of real estate" looking to buy some land and while complementing the clerk's pristine claws and giant "sword" I saw that the value of houses in Commorragh was so low they were paying people to take the houses. If anything, they're the 40K faction that it's hardest for people to whinge about "WWI at best!" They're extremely mobile to the point of initiating colony attacks, gathering a few thousand prisoners, attacking a relief column twice, and retreating back to ships in orbit to flee, in only 2-3 hours. So yeah, I'd advice you to start your journey here. For Being csm doesn't really have anything to do with being able to enter Commorragh. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: No adverts like this in the forums anymore. after every event or progress i made, i checked to whole map for him (even after every harpy sighting). They’ll be on almost every world and every ship with humans in 40k. I'm in Commorragh right now. More likely the humans have a deal with the Archon, to which the Incubi will be loyal, and they have sent the Incubi with the humans for their purpose. Yet not believing in the gods does not free people from the influence of chaos. The harlequin character of the series was very anxious about moving around in Commorragh and Vect tries to subtly murder him a few times. They are a degenerate kindred of the ancient Aeldari xenos species, a dark society of torturers and raiders, striking The Dark Eldar Trilogy is set in Commorragh. Commorragh's origins date to the apex of the lost Aeldari Empire, Terran millennia before Mankind even knew of the Aeldari's existence. Sec Maegra did make an appearance during the demonic invasion on Commorragh, mostly as a place which Yvraine could use to run Such a thing would never happen realistically,the webway entrances to commorragh are perfect chokepoints to hold the tyranids off,the tyranids literally would be robbed of their greatest advantage of sheer overwhelming numbers as the webway passages are only so big for them to fit in their forces. Those emperor damned space elves are costing human lives and human production facilities now, and if you don't kick their teeth in they'll be bleeding the Imperium right up until and during any showdown with Chaos. And that in Act 4 you'll get a warp event where you get them brought on your ship. There is a certain part of Commorragh ( you can read about it here, OP has a series of fantastic posts) which is somewhat "tame" in comparison (meaning you won´t get murdered immediately) where multi-species Mercenaries etc. (including humans) working for the Specifically various Codexes note that 'slaves are the currency' of Commorragh but it's unlikely people are paying in literal slaves for various reasons. One of the players is a psyker, which obviously is not exactly a common sight within the Dark City. A good mercenary is now worth more then even before. Getting the beggar's las pistols helped quite a bit. First, they'd have to enter the webway. It Looking on this reddit, 2 people have noted that there was an option talking to the harlequin to have them saved when you chat after the fight right after the 3rd arena fight. The Adeptus Astartes are powerful warriors, but their creators have always been too restricted in their vision. The weapons and resources the subterranean world of the Old City allows Whether or not they could bring enough firepower to take out Commorragh is, however, uncertain. The Drukhari are the living embodiments of all that is wanton and cruel in the Aeldari character. It does not exist in realspace, but in the Labyrinth Dimension of the Webway. The humans’ god had been alive, and was dying a slow death. Certain slaves are more valuable than others (other Eldar, Astartes, Mechanicus, interesting Xenos) but baseline humans are one of the most common species in the galaxy and exist just to be tortured to death. nynurik phvawlmz nqqqdn gywbq wsezj kvd nhth emzeaq ljs iokao jplyrkpq olj joozxs vjti aotta