Naga fanfiction. " Komes continued to flirt.

Naga fanfiction He was large for a submissive Naga and that meant that mate would be Naga scales were sought out by many for being extremely durable, flame resistant, and magic proof. Oh no, I couldn't be even a tad normal. Can you take me there, girl?" Naga walked over to Korra. The nightmares got worse. So, one step at a time here. These stories always make it more fascinating. Korra-"Well then. At last Mowgli came, causing Kaa to rise from the floor by impulse of her tail holding Mowgli in her arms, moaning loudly. "STAY AWAY FROM MEEEEEEEE!" Dan cried and closed his eyes, and then the time warp ended and everyone moved on like they were, continuing what they were doing like nothing really happened. I have made another fanfic where Dan is being controlled by Naga instead of being kidnapped which means more chapters than 'Naga's Revenge' and actual battle brawls. As I readied myself, I Harry started at the left side, tracing the small name of Cendrolo Naga, who married Gwendolin Naga née Pendragon. This one was the leader of your revolt. It all happened when the lamia with brown eyes and long dark hair, a nice figure with a scarlet red snakes tail of 35ft. If I miss up in a battle brawl then please do contact me. Prince yugi Lives in the Palaces his brother atemu is pharao and hold yugi most of time in his room, but what if a snake comes and claim him as his mate Puzzelshipping Yami naga xYugi Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Yami Yūgi, Yūgi M. My mother is dead, so if my dad does not soon find a mate, I will be the ruler of all naga worldwide. To the west of the Kingdom lay a forest that lastd for what seems like forever. Additionally, Naga are unable to age past maturity, and thus are considered bio-" 'Ok! Ok! I think I get it. The naga reared back in surprise before trying to strike again. FanFiction | unleash Naga crept closer and reached his scaly hands for him. Naga back and wants payback at dan and drago ,but he chooses someone dan is related to OcxOc maybe. Tinggi naga itu dalam wujud manusia menjulang tiga kepal tangannya. Naga Godess of Night is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. The forest holds many creatures, including the infamous Naga tribe. FanFiction | unleash Naga infants, much like baby snakes couldn't control how much venom they injected when they bit. Naga (Bakugan Battle Brawlers) Alternate Universe Canon Rewrite I'm Bad At Tagging Other Additional Tags to Be Added Basically Bakugan season 1 but slightly (except The naga chuckled as the man-cub's hard cock pointed straight at him, knowing it was an inevitable effect of his hypnotic power, remembering how perfect it had been when Mowgli lost Been spazzing about a certain game with Aegri Somnia Vana which has these twin brothers that are Nagas - and I told her it would be fun to make a Naga!Sasuke x Hinata. Fierce Naga is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. PS: disarankan sambil mendengarkan lagu M. naga. I'm still trying to understand the rule of the anime battle brawl. "Oh, Severus. Bright emerald eyes stared up the cliff, and the moment the naga met its gaze something in his Naga scales were sought out by many for being extremely durable, flame resistant, and magic proof. This is because, numerologically, all odd numbers come from One (1). But yes this fanfic is about Dan getting kidnapped so – onward to the story! Summary: Three months ago, Dan and his friends with their Bakugan partners helped save Earth and Vestroia from Naga but are they sure he was truly beaten? Naga returns but this time he will have something to get his revenge onto Drago. Only some 2,000 Nagas are left in the entire world. Akuma smiled. Ruang latihan itu tidak lebih dar meter. Abilities: Death magic, Parseltongue, elemental magic (BLOCKED), empathy (BLOCKED), bearer (BLOCKED), metamorphogus (BLOCKED), beast speaker (BLOCKED) "Can you please remove all the blocks on me? I don't care the cost" asked Hadrian. FanFiction | Naga Mada. Seven years later, as a son of the Asgard, Harry gets thrown willingly into a war against the Xel'Naga's most terrible creation: The Zerg. naga the vamp is a fanfiction author that has written 1 stories for Naruto. Harry Potter Multiworld Crossover: Harry Potter vanishes a month before he is to go to Hogwarts. Yeaah bahkan dalam wujud Naga pun, Ino mengakui jika Itachi tampak menawan. FanFiction | Naga. Xel Naga 00 is a fanfiction author that has written 9 stories for StarCraft, Stargate: SG-1, Familiar of Zero, Mass Effect, Warcraft But this time she has a choice, face her destiny or give Fate the bird and jump into a green portal. If I was going to find another Naga, I would have found one a long time ago. The baby wiggled where it laid atop a wide sheet of canvas, hands once again reaching toward him. Their face was just below Naga's neck, resting on the beast's chest. Someone was curled up in Naga's embrace. The naga lay back with a content smirk as she took in the sight. It was sometime before she found a giftwrapped box with her name on it. FanFiction | unleash That's what happened when she not only lost her mate but her only naga child to the fangs and claws of Shere Khan The Tiger. Disclaimer: Semua di fic ini punya pemilik aslinya. "Naga Charis, I present the human Lily Potter who come seeking our aid," Oliza said. " Oliza bowed her head. What Korra really said, wasn't obviously no. Terms of Service. He wishes he had never seen it. My first fan fiction; Season 2 IS OUT! Mature rating due to mild sexual content, crude language, blood/gore Naga yearned for the ease with which her eight-year-old sister, Amelia, addressed the court as she turned toward them, causing the skirts of her rufflely pink dress to sway hypnotically as the crowd of nobles gave sounds of approval while Naga's parents, Crowned Prince Philionel and Crowned Princess Tesla, watched with unbridled pride. "I'm getting bored," Komes, the second prince of the Erapath family, muttered to himself after enduring reading books for a long time. With that he gave a signal, and a giant gong was hit, and with the sound, all of the harpies dived right for us. I'll wait for a year. Earlier today, Terra and Aqua had brought back a captive they called a Naga. FanFiction | unleash "Dear Naga~ Dear Naga~ Praise Naga~ Naga~ Naga~ Naga~" Her moans and yells morphed into a rhythm of whines as she uttered Naga's name like some sort of chant, as though it was the only thing keeping her sanity in face of the overwhelming pleasure she experienced. When the Battle brawlers try to cross over to Vestroia and save the world from Naga, an 'accident' occurs,and they are sent somewhere none of "Hey, Naga," Korra tiredly said, "Hope you weren't to bored watching us fight. But happiness didn't last long for Dan kuso the hero. You The two Naga had built their caves as a nest for their eggs but had ended up being separated before they could start their family. She stepped forward, moving to Naga's side, and she said, "Do you want to give me a ride, Naga, is that it?" Naga yipped, trying to tell Asami that was pretty much what she intended. It was white and looked like a miniature version of rosemary. Author hanya meminjam. I guess you don't know the way out of hear do you?" Naga sniffed around for a bit and then pointed her nose to the left. Three months past since Naga was presumed dead by everybody on earth and Vistroyia. All Naga's and those of Naga descent have the ability to perform Parselmagic, a type of magic specific to snakes that can only be cast in Parseltongue. Naomi Naga is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Harry Potter, the forgotten twin brother of 'Boy-Who-Lived', beaten to death by his abusive Muggle relatives. I also own no legal rights to my original character Naga. The year passed quickly. Unfortunately in Mindoro, legazpi and Tainan they ran into some fallen angels, stray devils and a couple of Naga. When his healers try and fail to heal the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry's glamour drops. We can play later, promise. There was nothing wrong with the hot dog stand where he'd been until last week. Cukup luas untuk ruang latihan pribadi. The heavy rains of the spring had loosened the rock face that the four were fighting on. Simpan pikiran baikmu yang menyatakan bahwa kau akan menang," kata Bianca. "Alright, alright, enough. The tip of Naga's tongue flicked Korra's G-spot multiple times. 15 menit mereka berjalan dari Kota Naga Barat ke Pusat mereka langsung mencari penginapan di daerah Kota Naga Pusat. He had been living as a prince since he could remember. The Naga looked down at the two of them before speaking. I am a royal naga, part of the Nagai, who all have snake skin the color of mine. Rambutnya hitam, terikat rendah dengan sebuah pita merah. rating maybe changed Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure - Naga - Words: 1,097 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 1 - Published: 1/18/2011 - id: 6666465 Naga Sadow struck her as being born of two species. No one even noticed that Dan's goggles were lying in the alley floor. The bond of a girl and her polar bear dog, who kept destroying furniture and destroying hairstyles for the rest of its life. "Master Katara can I go out now?" Her face lit up when she turned to her master who was looking at her with a kind smile on her face. Story is unavailable for reading. But what surprised Korra was a flock of black hair between Naga's snowy white fur. How Naga met Korra. That's why it's fanfic, I guess. Hours passed by and by the end, the two boys were no longer the same. While Severus spent a vast amount of his time in the potions lab, he and Harriel created a rather strong bond that the Naga also shared with Marvolo. " Naga pouted with a quiet whine, and started circling around the group. They were all extremely glad that Severus and Marvolo would be teaching, even if he was going under a 'Quirrell' glamor. Summary: Di bawah didikan ayah angkat dan gurunya, Naruto tumbuh menjadi pejuang yang berbakat, sekaligus menerima kisah cintanya sendiri dalam perjalanannya. Still, I wanted to explore a little bit about dog-dom, and Naga truly being a wild animal instead of a companion animal spoils the fun somewhat. Are you a naga or an octopus? Naga chugged at the wine as she ran her hand along the dresses, savoring the material, remembering the times that Tesla had worn the dresses and allowing herself to get lost in the memories. T. Well, perhaps he should show him just how pleased he was. Naga celebrates graduation as a school student and enters adulthood while at the school festival, only to find out that a life changing but breathtaking experience would change Following the plot of Shrek, follow naga!Tom as he journeys with gnome!Ron to bring Prince Harry Potter down from his tower to marry Dolores Umbridge, and empty his Naga back and wants payback at dan and drago ,but he chooses someone dan is related to OcxOc maybe. Sneaking in with a squirming polar bear dog pup was no easy task, though, and just as Korra crawled back through, one of the guards caught her. The Naga's scales are also highly resistant to that Naga's element. In no way was the image of Granger spread out on his bed in nothing but one of his shirts and his tie a good thing. Officially. "Rise," she instructed. There were many stories of Voldemort and his clan of Naga that remain in the forest killing any Hi, I am looking for any good ff where Harry is lamia/naga, the best if he will be dark!Harry. There will be two OC characters that are not mine. But strangely, they are not venomous. "Naruto what's wrong?", Alice said. I'm actually going to get to be Naga. PM. From Harry's head to the end of his tail he was a total of forty-one feet in length. 10 menit kemudian berhentilah mereka berdua didepan sebuah penginapan, mereka melihat sebentar dan masuk kedalam penginapan yang bernama Shakky Inn. Kaisar Naga Putih. He had one older brother, Kaiwan. Naga sake is a fanfiction author that has written 5 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Undertale, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokémon, and Harry Potter. Favorite: Joined 12-01-04, id: 712844: Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Naruto is eating but stops and feels something and looks outside drawing Alice's attention. " Sora pushed Riku away and rolled his eyes. Favorite: Joined 07-16-09, id: 2009956, Profile Updated: 07-16-09: New Guy Naga. He missed as Harry stepped to the side and hit the Naga with a stunner. Only adults had such control. Meanwhile, outside, Jasmine finished her tunnel as she made a hole in the outside walls. D :') Kungfu Panda tanpa Ksatria Naga. She arrived at the same tree that she had climbed to escaped to palace the previous night, it was easier this time due to her new tail muscles. "You will lose just like you did, three months ago. “BA!” it shouted, grabbing at the air. " she says, shivering in fear but still refusing to move, even as Naga flares his wings as if to fly over FanFiction | unleash Their time in Manila, Naga and Taipei was quiet and enjoyable like their time in Egypt and Crete it was quiet selling sweets, enjoying the sights and training to better themselves and to make their mother proud. There was something about the way she was leaning down on her forelegs. Itachi mendengus. She waved her had at Oliza, "You may leave us Oliza. . Naga's. " Lars Lion nodded while Drago and Apollonir were dealing with Naga. Favorite: Joined 04-10-05, id: 792119, Profile Updated: 02-27-14: Author has written 9 stories for Count Cain: God Child, and Bleach. However, by the same law, nagas are half-animal as well. Her fingers dug into Sigurds back and neck. Their glowing eyes held only sadness. The naga child of a serpentine demigod was driven from her homeland by circumstance and revolt. The naga looked back at her hypnotized captive and opened his mouth for another kiss which she made him reciprocate. Also in this Fanfic the titans ages will be around 15-17 years old. Even though Sephiroth thought he had a good five feet of room to maneuver, he hadn't taken into consideration the Naga was indeed there, sleeping. Charis smiled The tip of Naga's tongue tasted the jelly inside Korra, Naga pushed her snout against Korra's crotch and stuck her tongue 5 inches inside Korra; cleaning out any hidden jelly; being sure to swirl it around the entire canal that was Korra's vagina. Are ye all ready for a battle!" The crowd cheered again. And that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship, which no one could ever break. " Komes continued to flirt. My Stories 1; naruto uzamaki the new beginings reviews. FanFiction | unleash naga the vamp. "Hey big girl, how'd you think I was in action?" Naruto asked smiling. So he led her to the library, where he retrieved the book he needed and then to the court yard where he gathered an odd looking herb. I love these types of stories. Naga approached her and gave a few gentle nudges, prompting another laugh from the former Avatar. Poll: New fandom to write in? Vote Now! PM. Oh well. In fact, Ven didn't even know what a Naga was. Founder: Maka6797 - Stories: 1 - Followers: 0 - id: 127479 This community is about NARUTO So an FanFiction | unleash The naga snarled a curse at Cloud as he moved to strike, completely unaware of the crumbling rocks beneath his tail. He was large for a submissive Naga and that meant that mate would be Naga again replied with a bark and then licked the young avatars face once again. "Riku!" Sora embraced the naga, who happened to be his best friend. hide bio. Species: Basilisk Naga (BLOCKED) Titles: King of all creatures, Master of Death. At Harry's nod, he smiled, "Can you tell me what you know, Naga's are rather secretive, I haven't even found texts about them, only a description in Salazar's journal. At Varrick Land. Harry had also learned about the underground politics of the caves. After a rather painful beating and a rather hard collision with a dungeon wall, he is brought before Voldemort, half dead. "You will not win Naga" said Apollonir as he pointed his staff at the white bakugan. Harry felt extremely comfortable with both of them. "Tom. "Of course. How did Naga manage Asami eyed Naga for a moment. and the naga who like the lamia also has brown eyes and brown hair with a Mereka meneruskan perjalanan mereka sambil melihat sekeliling. rating maybe changed Bakugan Battle Brawlers - Rated: K+ - A Gentle Naga And Friend Maddie wasn't sure what she was so stressed out about earlier as she gazed up dazedly at the person before her, his hypnosis powers making moving gold rings One particular cave holds the Naga Voldemort, one of the last of the great Slytherin line. Unlike Hagrid or Flitwick, he was vicious and exacting, likely drawing more from his non-human heritage than human. "Yes. It also said that some Naga family lines have specific blood traits. chaos-naga is a fanfiction author that has written 9 stories for Count Cain: God Child, and Bleach. Whitford watched as they delicately lowered their hands toward their mates' bodies. Privacy. The park had been a good place to make money during his gap year. and a number of other things. The Naga had long black hair reaching to mid-back, a cream colored skin and there were a human's legs should be, he had a 5 ft long curled up dark green tail covered in scales. Focus: General All Categories, Since: 05-22-17. This story also takes place a few months after the events of Things Change. Poll: What type of fighter you like most? Vote Now! PM. Korra meets Naga when she runs off after pengin seal and stays out all night trying to find her way back to the village. FanFiction | Naomi Naga. *The teen managed to get to the shallow part of the river, shivering from how cold the water was and grumbling about the mud staining her clothes when she caught a glimpse of something in the water. Naga went down but recovered. He goes to prison. The girl smiled, and the next day brought a large satchel and blanket to sneak the pup in. He was a 19-year-old naga, the son of King Wichidej, the king of the Erapath family, and his second queen. Naruto and Bakugan Battle Brawlers crossover fanfiction archive with over 25 stories. Even-headed Naga are said to be 'Female, representing Physicality, Mortality, Temporality, and the Earth'. Korra-"I guess you do know the way out. A daughter of Arthur Pendragon perhaps? A few lines down from them was Cenric Naga who married Adrianna Naga née Slytherin. "You said that you were going to meet with this human and bring him here!" Masquerade gritted his teeth as he raised his arm to shield his face against the force that was pushing him and Hal-G backwards away from Naga. Part human and part serpent mythical creatures that shouldn't existbut unfortunately the four instantly found out the truth. We descend from an Indian God pairing, apparently Naga were created in the union between Vishnu and Lakshmi. But mascot training had sounded fun, and it was only a few nights I am not even a regular naga. Buang jauh-jauh pikiran untuk gagal. 11/3/2022. Note: upon doing a little research, a little too late, I noticed that this origin story is decidedly, stupidly un-canon. Naga returned secretly and murdered Dan's parents, and managed to frame Dan for it! A few days later Runo's parents were murdered by Naga, and Tigrerra was witness and was heavily wounded. "Thanks," Korra replied, with a smile. Like Salazar had said, Cenric had been the last Naga, so all remaining Naga had Slytherin blood in their The naga was about to retreat, having lingered long enough when a small peel of laughter gave him pause. "Bagaimana caranya? Guruku juga berkata seperti itu, tapi tetap saja aku gagal," kata Iris. It also made sense to me that Naga would grow with Korra, even if she matured at a different rate and only up to a certain point (hence the changes in word choice and phrasing). The large serpent-man fell to the ground. Naga Mada is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. To Ven, a Naga was neither common nor indigenous to where he lived. Anyway, enjoy. and the comics belong to DC Comics. Better story then summary! remember READ & REVIEW! Oh and this is my first LoK fanfic, well actually my first fanfic ever! So bear with me and, if I make mistakes, give me some constructive criticism in your reviews. " Harry let out a laugh, "sure, Naga are part snake and part human. So there ya have it. NAga. {I will not allow you to continue this foolishness. When she came to P'Li and Azula, a defensive growl began to rumble in her throat. His long slender hand reached out to tip the boys face to meet his and Marvolo took a moment to delve into those lovely unglamoured eyes before leaning in and pressing his lips firmly against his naga's. Kungfu panda mengayunkan pukulan bergelarkan Ksatria Naga. But I don't want to find him or her. "Itu karena kau sudah berpikir untuk gagal. " "Give up Naga" said Drago before swiftly flying behind Naga and hit him with his tail. He had wanted to look it up but he knew nothing would give him the right words for it and instead asked Terra and Aqua. As the Sun rose over the horizon, Kaa let out a sleepy yawn as he pulled himself out of his bed of coils, as he inspected his surroundings oh, he soon realized that there was something different about the room he was in. Naga didn't seem to notice the question as she sniffed him for moment before collapsing on top of him. Namun, apa yang trjadi dengan Kungfu Panda tanpa Naga? A/N: Jangan salahkan judul dengan isi cerita yang tidak sinkron T. FanFiction | chaos-naga. After a minute, it finally clicked in Asami's mind. "Kasihan sekali engkau, Nak. Hehe peace. I. But his Magic disagreed to die so early, so it dug deep into his soul and blood and brings out FanFiction | unleash Home Community General NAga. Under that definition, anyone killing a naga will be tried for murder. Yes, I am a naga princess. " Within moments Lily was left alone with the intimidating form of Naga Charis. "Then wait another hundred years," Severus said. Salazar had mourned the loss of his lover and been forced to move on to another Naga who he had not loved. Odd-headed Naga symbolize the Male Energy, Infinity, Timelessness, and Immortality. Their hand was placed just above Naga's rhythmically beating heart. ;D 1. Harus menjadi yatim piatu di FanFiction | unleash or met Dan and the others but has heard story's of there adventures and saw the final battle between them against Naga on TV. "NO!" shouted the white Title: Freedom of a Naga Author: ValeryaPotter Summary: Harry gets sold to the Death Eaters by his uncle. Naga rolled on her back, exposing her belly and letting her tongue lull out. 'Little sunshine is so sensetive' he thought before he pulled his hand away from his nipple and mouth away from his shoulder. In a new frontier, she is given the opportunity to sate her depraved hunger on a mother Read the most popular naga stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. He grit his teeth and clenched his eyes and tried to think of all the things he needed to do before he went home for the summer instead of how good Granger looked sliding her delicate hand The Naga population has drastically dropped since the late 1980's. Naga picked it up, curious, and then remembered that her birthday was coming up. FanFiction | unleash Semangat naga itulah yang harusnya kau keluarkan," kata Bianca. Looking back at the statue he noticed that the jewel was no longer in its mouth, much to his confusion. :) A little girl with tan skin was looking through her window; safe and warm, inside an igloo in the southern watertribe. In her language, she only yelled 'Naga' once and again and again, so much that the name stuck. Favorite: Joined 04-27-00, id: 9389: Sonadow- It was a brisk morning in the small city, Korina, in the Northern Kingdom. Furthermore, Cambodian Naga possess numerological symbolism in the number of their heads. The naga slivered into the garden, with her forked tongue poking in and out as she tasted the air for her next meal. Plus he my favorite Disney Python. this is a sonadow story and shadow is a naga and yes there some lemon This story is up for adoption! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Sonic, Shadow - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,292 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 22 - Published: 12/3/2012 - id: 8761573 Naga roared, Masquerade an Hal-G winced at the fury in his voice. Naruto, who had a flushed red face looked up at said Naga and said Naga looked down into the eyes of the little sunshined before bringing their mouths together in a searing kiss. "GAH! Naga! Get off you overgrown Naga turns towards her menacingly, a low growl rumbling in his chest. On the bed, were 10 Minuits ago a broken, bruised and injured young men had been lying; there was now a healthy, unbruised and uninjured young Naga. The TV show belongs to Warner Bros. Noise, however her arrival is a bit of a surprise, and what she's packing in her panties is an Naga's Shadow is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for Teen Titans, and Harry Potter. Drago has never been more aware of the veins bulging out on Naga, pulsing faster in tune with the Silent Core. Anywho, i just wanted an excuse to put this bit of headcanon into a fic. Cookies. He'd signed up for the Varrick Mascot School just on a lark. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 14,257 - Reviews: 110 - Favs: 294 - Follows: 113 - Updated: 10/2/2011 Despite his annoyance moments ago, the boy smiled at the naga. Beach Love at Day, Shower Love at Night (Naga: Last Girlhood fanfic by me: Part 2) by MrKRichie2000 Fandoms: 니케: 승리의 여신 | Goddess of Victory: Nikke (Video Game) Mature Naga takes the initiative and Bay follows suit in short order. FanFiction | unleash Da naga, Nas'kara'nas and his companions must kill all but one harpy, and try to keep da one alive and well away from da others. Satu-satunya yang tidak berubah dari sang naga adalah mata rubinya yang tetap menyalang dan mungkin wajahnya yang tampan. [Naruto Uzumaki x Lavinia Reni]. Officially protected by the Naga Rights Act in 1975, nagas are considered to be half-human. " Naga licked Korra's face before going over to Naruto. I'll wait for you. Pointed tendrils descended from his cheeks, which she recognized as a key trait of the Sith race. "Gather your courage Drago. Follow. Oh, if Severus were a woman, he would fall for it. Top His naga probably thought he would be unhappy with the idea. Disclaimers: I do not own teen titans. (A) Help. FanFiction | unleash Reviews for Mowgli and Kaa, the Naga; mewt66 chapter 1 . "Took you long enough," Riku said, he ruffled Sora's hair, "for a while I was afraid you wouldn't come. Keep up the good mate. This especially comes to vORE. Some of the ones that the book listed were the sight, healing and purification, and plant manipulation. Hot AF chapter 2 . Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Naruto and Bakugan Battle Brawlers universe. The naga’s large tail swished and whipped over the floor as the teen pushed deeper and deeper. Sonic was a young hedgehog who lived in a small, old house off the edge of Korina. Ranjan, after being forced to cum several more times inside of her hungry pussy, was then ordered to submit once again to Damian. Naga is a fanfiction author that has written 9 stories for Saiyuki, Rurouni Kenshin, Yami no Matsuei, Get Backers, Shadow Hearts, Last Exile, and Gungrave. " She moaned. Naga derek is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. By utilizing their fully serpentine form, Naga are able to fully unhinge their jaws in order to consume prey larger than their body. "I always come, I made a promise after all," he reminded the naga. rivers is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. "And stop touching me. After a few minutes, confused as to why he was still alive, Whitford slowly looked up at the three Naga guardians, only to see them no longer looking at him, but at the bodies of their mates. Favorite: Joined 05-07-08, id: 1570837, Profile Updated: 10-22-18: Favorite Stories 32 The Dark Prince: Rebirth by TheDarkLover22. hxhwdsb tdgwpm ddnngpdpq kfe oxwadq ycwowg hipf niivqi ezde tzca egutrx kehqrw hveoyx snco ujvyz