Utrip softball rules 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) The following rule changes for the 2023 season have been announced. 6. The softball “year” for USSSA runs from August 1 to July 31. ReentryRule-Astartingplayerremovedfromthelineupmayreenter thegameonetime. Team Registration for the new 2024 USSSA Fastpitch Season is available online. Offensive Lineup: The batting lineup may be any number from eight (8) to all players present. 1-8-6 EXCEPTION & PENALTY: A high school softball coach is now able to use electronic devices in the dugout for one-way communication to the catcher while the team is on defense. Pitching Distance. com. Any rule not covered in these rules, will be rules that must be approved by the USSSA Senior Softball National Committee. com “Additional Playing Rules Not Found In USSSA Rule Book” • Men’s Major/Conference USSSA • Men’s A • Black American • Corporate • Hispanic • Law Enforcement/Fire • Masters • Military • Youth • Native American • Indoor • Slow Pitch Overhand Softball • Sixteen Inch Rules • One Pitch Rules • Scoring Rules United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. 04 A player who is in violation of the USSSA Constitution or the Official Baseball National By-laws & Rules shall be an illegal player. Points Race; Insurance; Reclassifications; Staff Directory; Umpire Info; All-State Showcases. Umpire will designate a field suitable for play in accordance with the following provisions which equal the dimensions of a softball field: a. !& all new rule changes are screened in gray throughout the rule book. usssa. a. *COED will use big United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 The USSSA softball rules around bat specifications typically require bats to Title: Microsoft Word - Rule_Differences_USSSA_FP_2025_Quicksum. These have all been posted by a USSSA director. 00 – NAME & OBJECTIVE 1. Games that are tied at the end of regulation will use the ITB rule until a winner is declared. The manger could face suspension. The center or core of the ball 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. 00 – Individual Player & Team Eligibility 2 Rule 4. 00 – Qualifying Tournaments 4 Rule 5. Tools are available for each coach to track player stats. Pitch release of 3' from point of release to a max arch of 10' is permitted and delivered with no Excessive Speed in the judgment of the umpire. 3. 13uAAA and AA Teams: Required to use RULES INFORMATION . DUE TO RAPIDLY EXPANDING and advanced technologies of softball equipment, all new equipment introduced to the game of slow-pitch softball must be which may, in their discretion, overrule any USSSA league rule changes. Florida USSSA Baseball still reserves the right to United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 RULES INFORMATION 2024-2025 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) Roster Protests in Upstate, SC/All League Baseball USSSA events – Roster protests are permitted up to and thru the 3rd inning of a game. USSSA’s online Slow Pitch Rule Book is located at www. 15 after 5 *8 Games + playoffs. 1. Ensure compliance and make informed choices. 8 E FFECT Sec. This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office. August 1 playing rules may be adopted by the USSSA Board of Directors in selected Men’s Major, “AA” and “A” events. To coordinate the providing of an opportunity for teams to compete in league and tournament competition that leads USSSA’s On-Line Fastpitch Rule Book is located at: www. _____ Bat Rules: Updated on August 15, 2024: 12u and Younger: Bats Must have USSSA 1. docx Author: John Dye Created Date: 2/17/2025 5:13:16 PM California USSSA Baseball does not use Grade in School for determining players age, just birthdates are used. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 Bracket Play: Games will be 7 inning or time limit. AteammaydesignateplayersasInactiveforaparticular United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 Friday 02. Each item ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE RULES & REGULATIONS Be sure to familiarize yourself with the USSSA Rule Book on protests. The Playing Field 1A. The distance from the back point of home plate to the pitching rubber in slow pitch softball is 50 feet for men's, women's and co-ed league play. Example Click Here. ‘ This marking means change in wording or numbering for clarification only. 7. RULES INFORMATION 2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule. No organized infield practice before the games. Team Registration for the new 2025 USSSA Fastpitch Season is available online. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 Rules; IN Info. Thank you to the athletes, coaches, umpires, administrators and spectators who These rules are sports specific to USSSA Senior Softball & GSL Senior Championship Series. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) Tournament Rules. All USSSA events will allow guest players. View the roster history of any player. If a player is not rostered, you wouldn't be able to use the guest player system to add them to your roster, you'd need to contact your state director to add them to your roster. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 6 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. F i ve ma l e a n d f i ve f e ma l e p l a ye rs mu st b e i n t h e l i n e u p a t a l l t i me s (si x a n d si x i f A . RULE 4. 00 – Membership, Participation & Classifications of Play 1 Rule 3. Be Ready To Play Your Scheduled Games Early. Run Rule: As per Rule 4 Section 4, the run rule will be 12 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings. Make sure to choose “2025 Season – For Events August 14, 2024 – August 13, 2025. DH IS ALLOWED; All tournaments shall be played under USSSA Baseball Rules, except where noted. 2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule. 2025. 8. This guide will help you determine if a player is eligible to play in a specific age group for the 2024/2025 season. MercyRule–(ALLDIVISIONS You will find the complete rules and regulations in the USSSA Rule Book. Upon protest, failure to have a photocopy or a digital The new USSSA Fastpitch season (2025) starts August 14th, 2024. RULES INFORMATION 2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event OFFICIAL FASTPITCH PLAYING RULES and BY-LAWS Fifteenth Edition (Pˇi ˙ed 1-2019) USSSA, LLC 5800 Stadium Parkway Melbourne, FL 32940 (800) 741-3014 www. USSSA-GSL RULE DIFFERENCES page 60: The following are home run limitations per game and per team, by program. Such line-up must be decided before the start of the game and used the entire game. The penalty from Rule 3-6-11 was added to Rule 1-8-6 as well All programs will use 11" USSSA Approved softballs, EXCEPT boys 13 and up in Boys and Mixed programs will use 12" USSSA Approved softballs. After two strikes, the battedball must be fair. You can enter partial first or last names. Senior Softball Rules O ffi c i a l S e n i o r S o ftb a l l R u l e s A d o p te d , P u b l i s h e d a n d D i s tr i b u te d b y U S S S A L L C 5 8 0 0 S ta d i u m P a r k w a y , Me l b o u r n e , F L 3 2 9 4 0 T e l e p h o n e (8 0 0 ) 7 4 1 -3 0 1 4 F a x (3 2 1 ) 8 7 7 -0 6 0 7 Here you can quickly find rulebooks for Baseball, Softball and Fastpitch 3 RULE 1. docx Author: John Dye USSSA has two sets of softball rules, one for slow pitch and another for fast pitch If USSSA was really about safety they'd go with 240 bats and C+ balls. See Adult rule book link: USSSA Adult online rule book for guidance and reference Click here for detailed The USSSA softball rules around bat specifications typically require bats to adhere to: A length of 34 inches; The knob located at the edge of the bat’s handle must not be more than 2 1/4 inches in diameter at its longest part; Batted-ball speed of 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. The Guest Players will NOT be frozen to the team’s roster, only players on their permanent roster will be considered for freezing at the appropriate time. Please remember these are national rules, local leagues and tournaments can change them. 2. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. 00 –Rules of Play 6 Rule 7. All tournaments scheduled after August 1 are considered the following year’s events, and in order to participate in them, a team must be registered for the current year (Ex. Time Limits: 7u-8u: 1 hour and 30 minutes (1:30) 9u-13u: ALL Ages: Any manager, coach, or parent that is ejected for ANY reason from a game in a Florida USSSA Baseball sanctioned event will automatically be disqualified for their next scheduled game in that event. Career stats can now be tracked. National All-State Showcase; Indiana All-State Showcase; World Series; Indiana USSSA Baseball State Office; $425 - United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 USSSAFastpitchGuestPlayerSystem 1. Pre-game conference and coin flip between manager and umpires will take place 5 minutes prior to the start of the game. Important Rules Reminder. If time has expired and either team is behind and cannot catch up or go ahead, the game shall be over immediately. I. 00 – Name & Objective 1 Rule 2. The goal of our program is to create opportunities in tournament play, for all ages and abilities and to reward our hardworking athletes with the very best prize packages for the top finishing teams. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 6 Rules & Guidelines; Player Chat Group; Facebook Play USSSA Senior Softball; 2025 USSSA Senior Softball World Series; 2025 USSSA Senior Challenge Cup; Team Registration/Manager Login We host Men's & Women's Senior slow pitch softball events throughout the United States. United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 These are the rules that apply with the USSSA guest player system: 1) To be an eligible guest player, the guest player MUST be on another roster. 1 . View National Schedule; SENIOR NATIONAL COMMITTEE UPDATES 3. 00 – Qualifying Tournaments 5 Rule 5. 5. Download a PDF version. Step-by-Step Guide: Access the Age Calculator Tool: USSSA has two sets of softball rules, one for slow pitch and another for fast pitch leagues, with differing pitching guidelines. ” The league age of the athlete is determined by the player’s age on December 31, 2024. 00 –Rules of Play 5 Rule 7. Team manager may consult with the umpires; players, sponsors and other coaches are to keep out of discussions. Share . 9. Even if USSSA does not have a legal right to stop the use of the USSSA Playing Rules and ByLaws, in an event run by someone who is not a - USSSA Director or who otherwise does not have the authority to run a USSSA Sanctioned United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 2025 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2024) 3. Those stats will show up on a players individual page. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 6 Team Registration for the new 2024 USSSA Fastpitch Season is available online. Slowpitch Rule Book and By-Laws; Military Program Slowpitch Rules; Senior Program Slowpitch Rules; Hispanic-Latin American Slowpitch Program Rules 5. GENERAL 1. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 All games will be played by USSSA rules, with the following exceptions: Home team will be the official scorekeeper in all tournament games. The new USSSA Fastpitch season (2025) starts August 14, 2024. $’˚ "˚ +˙ ˇ ˘˙ ˚ The Fastpitch Field Diagram Base and Pitching Measurement – RULES AND LEGAL INFORMATION. 3 A. 15 Stamp. 1. com The On-Line Rule Book *Mercy Rule: 20 runs after 4. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 Tournament Rules Unless modified, play will be governed by USSSA Baseball By-Laws. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 You can search for any player that has been added to an online USSSA roster. Teams that earn a berth with Guest Players on their roster will be deemed qualified. Once thru three (3) complete innings in a given game, a roster may not be protested. 02 The objective of USSSA Baseball shall be to organize and promote youth and adult baseball, to perpetuate the interest and love of the game. VIEW RULE BOOK. Run rules: 10 runs after 3 innings; 8 runs after 4 innings; 6 runs after 5 innings. Men’s Major 16 Men’s Class AA 12 Men’s Class A 10 Men’s Class B 8 Men’s Class C USSSA’s On-Line Fastpitch Rule Book is located at: www. USSSA. The Batter is out if he/she has three strikes, no courtesy foul allowed, The Run Rule in the Youth Program awards a win to a Team that has a 12 run lead after 3 Title: Microsoft Word - Rule_Differences_USSSA_FP_2025_Quicksum. com The On-Line Rule Book Supersedes the Printed Edition There are no other rule books that govern USSSA Fastpitch. The league age of the athlete is determined by the player’s age on December 31, 2024. THE GAME Sec. 8 page 27 RULE 11. You can search for any player that has been added to an online USSSA roster. United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 Welcome to South Carolina USSSA! We are a premiere FASTPITCH organization that hosts quality tournaments and events in South Carolina. AteamcannotuseaGuestPlayeriftheirrosterhas15ormore activeplayersontheirroster. A In divisions 4U – 18U, all players participating in USSSA Baseball tournament play shall have photocopies or digital copies of their original birth certificate in the possession of their team manager at all times. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) By-Laws, Playing Rules, Directives, Procedures and Policies, may result in an activity not being a USSSA Sanctioned Event. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. 00 – State Championships 4 Rule 6. Based on an umpire's judgement such as whether a batted ball was Fair or Foul, a pitched ball was a Ball or Strike, a baserunner was Safe or Out or when any other situation wholly within the Umpire's scope, to make United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. However, this just sets the upper limits of the parameters. 00 – State Championships 5 Rule 6. All substitutes must be reported to the plate United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 Introduction: Understanding age eligibility for USSSA Fastpitch Softball is essential for players, coaches, and parents. The online rule book supersedes the printed edition and will contain any updated rule or by-law changes. 03 A player shall be eligible to compete in the USSSA Baseball program as long as he abides by the USSSA Constitution and the Official Baseball National By-laws & Rules when his first name, last name (no middle names, nick names, shortened names, slang names, initials, prefixes or suffixes are allowed) and date of birth (in proper format United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 Have the new permanent (1) USSSA Mark on its taper OR; Be a Wood Bat (2) All of the above must be manufactured by an approved USSA Bat Licensee * Bats which meet these rules will be allowed in USSSA play, unless the bat is listed on the USSSA Withdrawn/Non-Compliant Bats List (found under Licensed Equipment – New Bat Rules section of the USSSA PLAYING RULES (UPDATED 4/1/2021 8:00AM PST) 1. The fast pitch distance varies with the age of the US S S A CO E D T E AM RUL E S S e c . 00 – World Series 5 Rule 7. 2. Be Prepared To Play At Least 1/2 Hour Earlier Than Your Scheduled Start Time. D-9<81 &; 253A>1 @41 05?@-:/1 2>;9 4;91 <8-@1 @; ment, all new equipment introduced to the game of slow pitch softball must be reviewed and approved by the USSSA Equipment Performance and Safety Standards Committee. . Asubstitutemaynotreenterthegameafterbeing removed. These rules are sports specific to USSSA Senior Softball& GSL Senior Championship Series. The softball diamond is a square with equal sides of 60-70 feet (some variation at Pitching requirements are covered in the adult rule book, Rule 6, starting on page 35. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 4 CEO’S MESSAGE Dear softball participant, On behalf of USA Softball, I want to say thank you. A A team with a player found to be illegal due to age, grade or class violation, anytime during the USSSA event, will be deemed ineligible. BASEBALL GUEST PLAYER SYSTEM August 1, 2022 1. A 33-inch USSSA softball bat with a weight of 30 ounces might be categorically legal for your league, Softball Rules Changes - 2025 By NFHS on August 15, 2024 softball. The team WILL be disqualified and put in last place. Sec. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) RULES INFORMATION 2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule. 04. If you play in a softball league that is regulated by the USSSA, check out this guide to selecting a softball bat and the USSSA rules and regulations. I don't Hi all- happy new year! I’m wondering if anyone can shed some light on the major differences The USSSA provides rules and guidelines for baseball tournaments, including team rosters, game duration, and player participation. * Regulation Game: 13u 9u – 12u: 6 Innings –18u: 7 Innings * Time Limit: 9u-18u: - 1 Hour 45 Minute Time Limit 3 3. Make sure to choose “2025 Season – For Events August 16, 2024 – August 14, 2025. Teams may bat a 9 player line-up, a 10 player line-up with an Extra Hitter (EH), or a continuous line-up of all present uniformed players. There is no courtesy foul. The popular Rules Comparison Chart, which identifies rule differences between National Federation (NFHS), USA, NCAA, Premiere Girls Fastpitch (PGF), and United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) softball rules is updated to RULES INFORMATION 2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Foreword 1 Rule 1. THE OFFICIAL BALL to be used shall be of a spherical design with a smooth surface. Batter Starts with a 1-1 count. 28. 240 bats only in tournament play. 2023 National Rule Changes for Baseball (Effective 8/1/2022) The Official ASA Co-ed playing rules will be used except where changes are noted in these rules. Home; About USSSA; USSSA Players in MLB; State Directors; Rules and By-Laws; The Elite World Series Discover the USSSA bat rules by age, including weight, size, and drop regulations for both baseball and softball. Print. 01 This organization shall be known as USSSA Baseball. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 RULES INFORMATION 2024-25 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Arizona USSSA Baseball Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule. 01 – Playing Field & Equipment 5 United States Specialty Sports Association 5800 Stadium Pkwy Melbourne, FL 32940 RULES INFORMATION 2022-23 USSSA National Rules (Click Here) Guest Player Guidelines & Help Documents (Click Here) NOTE: Area Directors may elect to impose stricter bat rules at 13U & 14U given it is noted on event website or game schedule. 01. mrfsxmivpkartqoswhdoizaemdcqzsaknpmiutfnwprxofmlqtjygjlwriizmzyuehnrcscvaairj